Rich Kelman said:
for some reason whenever I try to open any of my
(simple) databases I get asked for a password. I don't
use such features in Access.
Can anybody explain?
If it is asking for a username *and* a password, someone has "joined
you to a different workgroup information file". In earlier versions of
Access, this was done with a seperate program: the so-called Workgroup
Administrator Program (WKGRPADM.,EXE or somesuch - I don't have Access
here to check.) In A2002 I believe it is a built-in menu option. Ask
around your other users to see if they have done that.
If it is truly asking for a password *only* (not a username also) -
and it is doing this for *all* your databases, then either (a) someone
has manually gone into each database & added a password using the menu
option provided for that purpose, or (b) someone has tried to open all
your database with Microsoft Word - thereby instantly corrupting them.
(A common manifestation of that corruption is that Accvess ill ask for
a password when you try to open them next.)