Dejan M.
CLAN_ID ||| IME(name)||| PREZIME(surname) ||| CASOPIS_ID (journal_id) |||
NAZIV (journal name)|||
I have the form with these fields.
When I enter CLAN_ID automaticly fill up fields IME (name) and PREZIME
and entering CASOPIS_ID automaticly fill up NAZIV fields. But if I dont know
or CASOPIS_ID I would like to write IME (name),PREZIME (surname) and NAZIV
(name of the journal),
and on that base to fill up these fields.
If you want I can send you mdb.zip so you can look up this problem.
NAZIV (journal name)|||
I have the form with these fields.
When I enter CLAN_ID automaticly fill up fields IME (name) and PREZIME
and entering CASOPIS_ID automaticly fill up NAZIV fields. But if I dont know
or CASOPIS_ID I would like to write IME (name),PREZIME (surname) and NAZIV
(name of the journal),
and on that base to fill up these fields.
If you want I can send you mdb.zip so you can look up this problem.