Mark Andrews
I haven't used workgroup security for many years and forgot how it all works
but have a situation now where I have an access 2000 database that uses
workgroup security and possibly other security and I'm trying to figure out
how to get it so I can design forms or export the forms out of the database
into an unsecured database.
I purchased one of those $30 workgroup password crackers and ran it, here's
the results:
Lets assume the database is called XXX.MDB
and the workgroup is called WWW.MDW
For the workgroup we have:
"wuser" and "wpassword" as the user/password
for startup we have:
"suser" and "spassword" as the user/password
How would I go about creating a commandline to start this thing and be able
to have permissions to access the forms etc...?
I tried:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSAccess.exe" "C:\MyPath\XXX.mdb"
/wrkgrp "C:\MyPath\WWW.mdw" /user "wuser" /pwd "wpassword"
and a few other combinations with no luck.
I get a message: "you don't have read this object" when I try and design a
The normal application is run by using this commandline:
/runtime /profile "ZZZProfile" /wrkgrp "C:\MyPath\WWW.mdw"
"C:\MyPath\XXX.mdb" /user Admin /pwd Admin
and that works fine.
Any help is appreciated,
The developer who wrote this is no longer around,
but have a situation now where I have an access 2000 database that uses
workgroup security and possibly other security and I'm trying to figure out
how to get it so I can design forms or export the forms out of the database
into an unsecured database.
I purchased one of those $30 workgroup password crackers and ran it, here's
the results:
Lets assume the database is called XXX.MDB
and the workgroup is called WWW.MDW
For the workgroup we have:
"wuser" and "wpassword" as the user/password
for startup we have:
"suser" and "spassword" as the user/password
How would I go about creating a commandline to start this thing and be able
to have permissions to access the forms etc...?
I tried:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSAccess.exe" "C:\MyPath\XXX.mdb"
/wrkgrp "C:\MyPath\WWW.mdw" /user "wuser" /pwd "wpassword"
and a few other combinations with no luck.
I get a message: "you don't have read this object" when I try and design a
The normal application is run by using this commandline:
/runtime /profile "ZZZProfile" /wrkgrp "C:\MyPath\WWW.mdw"
"C:\MyPath\XXX.mdb" /user Admin /pwd Admin
and that works fine.
Any help is appreciated,
The developer who wrote this is no longer around,