Hello Fellow NewGroupies...
I have an access 2000 database that I have been trying to find a way to
be able to see what groups have rights to what object. I know that
there is the microsoft documenter. However, I have over 500 objects in
this database in total, so the report took forever to run, and ends up
being over 2000 pages in length.
Ideally, I had hoped to sift around and find a utility/add-in, but
there doesn't appear to be one.
I'd like it to be a little more useful. I don't need to know every
user in my database, etc. What would be even best is to list the first
group and all the objects they can edit, delete, etc., then the second
and so on.
Any help, would be much appreciated.

I have an access 2000 database that I have been trying to find a way to
be able to see what groups have rights to what object. I know that
there is the microsoft documenter. However, I have over 500 objects in
this database in total, so the report took forever to run, and ends up
being over 2000 pages in length.
Ideally, I had hoped to sift around and find a utility/add-in, but
there doesn't appear to be one.
I'd like it to be a little more useful. I don't need to know every
user in my database, etc. What would be even best is to list the first
group and all the objects they can edit, delete, etc., then the second
and so on.
Any help, would be much appreciated.