1. Yes it is a network printer, but it is the same printer we use with
Access 2000 terminal and it prints fine.
2. SELECT TOP 1 tbl_DiciplineIncidents.Date, tbl_personal.[Last Name],
tbl_personal.[First Name], tbl_personal.[Job Title],
tbl_DiciplineIncidents.Supervisor, tbl_personal.[Job Code],
tbl_personal.SSnumber, tbl_DiciplineIncidents.Narrative,
tbl_DiciplineIncidents.Sequence, tbl_personal_1.[Full Name],
tbl_personal.[Employee ID #]
FROM tbl_DisciplineLevels INNER JOIN (tbl_DiciplineCategories INNER JOIN
(tbl_personal AS tbl_personal_1 INNER JOIN (tbl_personal INNER JOIN
tbl_DiciplineIncidents ON tbl_personal.Sequence =
tbl_DiciplineIncidents.seq_Personal) ON tbl_personal_1.Sequence =
tbl_DiciplineIncidents.Supervisor) ON tbl_DiciplineCategories.Sequence =
tbl_DiciplineIncidents.seq_DisciplineCategory) ON
tbl_DisciplineLevels.Sequence = tbl_DiciplineIncidents.seq_DisciplineLevel
WHERE (((tbl_personal.[Job Code])<>"0240" Or (tbl_personal.[Job
Code])="7302") AND
AND ((tbl_personal.Sequence)=[Forms]![frmSupervisorMain]![Combo0]))
ORDER BY tbl_personal.[Last Name], tbl_personal.[First Name];
3. Yes the query uses a text box on a subform to filter the query.
[Forms]![frmDisciplineIncidents]![sfrmDiciplineIncidents]![Sequence]. If
take this criteria out of the query it works, but it returns all records
the specific record. The query runs fine in 2000 with this criteria in.
Thanks for the help
Allen Browne said:
More information, please.
Is this a network printer?
Post the SQL of the query that does not work? (Sql View on View menu when
you are in query design).
Does this query contains a reference to a text box on a subform? Or are
there VBA functions in the query?
Access 2003 uses the Access 2000 format by default, so there's something