Access 2000 Combo Box Problem



I am attempting to use a combo box to find certain values
from a query and store the selected value in another
field. The combo box has the proper instructions for
storing this value. The problem I am having is that in
most cases when I select a value (in this case a
surname), a completely different value from the same
query is stored in the target field. For example, if I
select "Capella" from the list, the name "Thomas" is
pulled from the same query and stored in the target
field. I do not know how to fix this. Your assistance
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Tom Stoddard

You should check the bound column property of your combo box. Whatever the
value of the bound column is will be what is stored in the field. Usually
combo boxes hide their first column by setting the column width properties
and making the first column 0" wide. Check your combo boxes bound column and
column width properties to get a clear picture of what it's doing.


I've done as you suggested. The bound column is correct.
I'm still having the problem.

I may not have been as specific as I should have with my
last post. Perhaps some clarification will help.

I stated that the wrong information was appearing. The
field is showing information from a totally different
record, not data from the same record. Also, if I try to
type a specific name into the field, "Smith," for example,
I will get the proper name - until I hit "Enter" or move
to another field - then the data will change to another
name, such as "Jones."

Any ideas?


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