Access 2000 and wav files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bernd Smits
  • Start date Start date

Bernd Smits

I'm developing a database for a cardiolog, and I would like to insert the
wave files which I obtain by auscultation with an digital stethoscope, but I
would also have the possibility to hear and visualize (the sound graphic)
the wave files. Is there any possibility to do this with MS Access 2000? I
know that for example Matlab visualize the sound graphic and has many
procedure to analyze the graphic but is there any possibility also with
Access to implement some of this analylize procedures?
If anybody knows the answers on my questions, please contact me on my email
address: (e-mail address removed)
Greetings Bernd
You can certainly have ms-access play the wav files.

As for visualing the graphic? I would look for some activeX control that
lets you both play sound,a nd "display/graph" it.

Most (but not all) activeX controls work with ms-access. Do a Google on the
web for some activeX sound controls (and maybe throw in the graph keyword).
I sure there is something out there...just don't what.