Been self-studying Access07 at home with test data from work. All databases
are presently in Excel 07 format. Now I feel am ready to show my boss how
Access07 can be more beneficial for our purposes. At present, there are 5
people who will be using these infos: myself (the only one who will be
actively updating/inputting data) and 4 others who will just be viewing (or
printing) the tbls/forms/reports. right now, we only hav Office 07 Standard.
My question is: is there some way to minimize the cost of having Access07
installed at work? Is it possible to have Access07 installed in my
workstation only and some way of having the other 4 just be able to view the
tables/forms/reports w/out full download of Access in their computers?
Someone mentioned about Snapshot viewer? how does that work? Is it only for
reports? Thanks.
are presently in Excel 07 format. Now I feel am ready to show my boss how
Access07 can be more beneficial for our purposes. At present, there are 5
people who will be using these infos: myself (the only one who will be
actively updating/inputting data) and 4 others who will just be viewing (or
printing) the tbls/forms/reports. right now, we only hav Office 07 Standard.
My question is: is there some way to minimize the cost of having Access07
installed at work? Is it possible to have Access07 installed in my
workstation only and some way of having the other 4 just be able to view the
tables/forms/reports w/out full download of Access in their computers?
Someone mentioned about Snapshot viewer? how does that work? Is it only for
reports? Thanks.