Accented characters in OWA are garbled

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Recently, on a few laptops, when using OWA, some users are now having strange
accented characters appear: Question mark at the top of each e-mail, french
accented characters are replaced with some very strange characters (example:
the letter e with accent is replaced by "é"). This does not happen when the
users use the full Outlook 2003 client. Some other users are not affected at
all by the problem. If a user having the problem uses another PC, the problem
does not show up.

What could be causing this? Nothing apparent has been changed and it was
working properly before.

Just pressing "reply" or "forward" in OWA garbles the accented characters,
even before clicking on "Send"...

Thanks for your help...
I found the cause to this one and the solution from different posts and MS KB

The cause is another application that has been installed has downreved
"dhtmled.ocx" and "triedit.dll". The install program probably just looked in
the "Windows\System32" directory, did not see the files, so it installed them
and registered them.

The ones you need to use are located in C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\Triedit.

Open a command prompt, and use regsvr32 to de-register and re-register the
correct versions of dhtmled.ocx and triedit.dll:

regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\common files\microsoft
regsvr32 "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\triedit\triedit.dll"
regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\common files\microsoft
regsvr32 "c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\triedit\dhtmled.ocx"

You can also delete the old versions that are located in your

This will get rid of the "?" and correct the accented characters.