I have been trying to filter a report based on the results of a filter
on a form. The print button on the form has the following code:
Dim stWhere As String
stWhere = Forms![frmlibraryMenu]![frmBookListing].Form.Filter
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptbooklisting", acViewPreview, stWhere
Issue: If there is no filter then the report previews all 1500+ pages
fine if the form is filtered then the report comes up blank with an
error msg. SubformName.fieldName "*Gold*"
Can't figure out what I am doing wrong any help would greatly be
on a form. The print button on the form has the following code:
Dim stWhere As String
stWhere = Forms![frmlibraryMenu]![frmBookListing].Form.Filter
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptbooklisting", acViewPreview, stWhere
Issue: If there is no filter then the report previews all 1500+ pages
fine if the form is filtered then the report comes up blank with an
error msg. SubformName.fieldName "*Gold*"
Can't figure out what I am doing wrong any help would greatly be