I tried the following but got an error:
sWhere = "[cus_no] = '" & sCustnum & "'"
Reports!DealerOrder2.Filter = sWhere
Reports!DealerOrder2.FilterOn = True
The error was '2451: The report name "DealerOrder2" you entered is
misspelled or refers to a report that isn't open or doesn't exist.'
So, I can open the report via Docmd.Openreport, but how do I close it
after I updated the properties .Filter and .Filteron?
Thank you.
p.s. Opening each report, for 800+ customers, is very time-consuming
also. It might take each report 1 minute to preview, times 800
customers, that's 800 minutes to process all customers. Which is why I
wanted a direct way, without using Docmd.Openreport, to update the
report properties directly.