Hi all,
With the arrival of a new machine, I decided to finally convert an old
Access97 database to the Access 2000 model.
on the previous machine I had access 97 & 2000 together just to able to
still use that mdb which uses linked FoxPro tables.
So, out with 97, all on 2000. (Access 2000SP3, Jet SP8, foxpro odbc
At startup, the mdb relinks the tables to reflect the startup folder.
(the same mdb is reused as such for several different startup folders)
The tables themselves are part of a accounting program based on
(Visual?) FoxPro.
I successfully converted the relinked startup routine to use ODBC
The problem I have is with the indexes, necessary to get an updateable
Most of the tables are uniquely identified by one field. But there are
some where two fields are needed.
When I add such a table manually, needing two fields as index, Access
shows me an updateable table.
When trying the same using code, the table is not updateable.
in my code (excerpt below) the index is created using SQL, as suggested
by several usenet postings.
example of a single-field SQL/index - resulting in updateable table
CREATE INDEX J0012004 ON J0012004([ldgnumber]) WITH PRIMARY
Two-field SQL/Index - resulting in non-updateable table
CREATE INDEX DOC2L ON DOC2L([docnumber],[linenumber]) WITH PRIMARY
A solution/hint would be very welcome. But please don't suggest I
reinstall Acc97 again
best regards
c_Connect = "ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;SourceDB=" & c_StartupDir _
& ";SourceType=DBF;Exclusive=No;BackgroundFetch=No;Collate=Machine;Null=
'WK_tables = table containing tablenames & hardcoded indexfields
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("WK_Tables")
Set dbsODBC = OpenDatabase("", False, False, c_Connect)
Do While Not rs.EOF
c_fn = rs!name
Set v_index = rs!Index
With td_tbl
.Connect = dbsODBC.Connect
.SourceTableName = c_fn
End With
db.TableDefs.Append td_tbl
If Not IsNull(v_index) Then
c_SQL = "CREATE INDEX " & c_fn & " ON " & c_fn _
& "(" & v_index & ") WITH PRIMARY"
db.Execute c_SQL, dbFailOnError
End If
End If
With the arrival of a new machine, I decided to finally convert an old
Access97 database to the Access 2000 model.
on the previous machine I had access 97 & 2000 together just to able to
still use that mdb which uses linked FoxPro tables.
So, out with 97, all on 2000. (Access 2000SP3, Jet SP8, foxpro odbc
At startup, the mdb relinks the tables to reflect the startup folder.
(the same mdb is reused as such for several different startup folders)
The tables themselves are part of a accounting program based on
(Visual?) FoxPro.
I successfully converted the relinked startup routine to use ODBC
The problem I have is with the indexes, necessary to get an updateable
Most of the tables are uniquely identified by one field. But there are
some where two fields are needed.
When I add such a table manually, needing two fields as index, Access
shows me an updateable table.
When trying the same using code, the table is not updateable.
in my code (excerpt below) the index is created using SQL, as suggested
by several usenet postings.
example of a single-field SQL/index - resulting in updateable table
CREATE INDEX J0012004 ON J0012004([ldgnumber]) WITH PRIMARY
Two-field SQL/Index - resulting in non-updateable table
CREATE INDEX DOC2L ON DOC2L([docnumber],[linenumber]) WITH PRIMARY
A solution/hint would be very welcome. But please don't suggest I
reinstall Acc97 again

best regards
c_Connect = "ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;SourceDB=" & c_StartupDir _
& ";SourceType=DBF;Exclusive=No;BackgroundFetch=No;Collate=Machine;Null=
'WK_tables = table containing tablenames & hardcoded indexfields
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("WK_Tables")
Set dbsODBC = OpenDatabase("", False, False, c_Connect)
Do While Not rs.EOF
c_fn = rs!name
Set v_index = rs!Index
With td_tbl
.Connect = dbsODBC.Connect
.SourceTableName = c_fn
End With
db.TableDefs.Append td_tbl
If Not IsNull(v_index) Then
c_SQL = "CREATE INDEX " & c_fn & " ON " & c_fn _
& "(" & v_index & ") WITH PRIMARY"
db.Execute c_SQL, dbFailOnError
End If
End If