AC Ryan PlayOn!HD2 Media Player


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Xtreme Computing check out the AC Ryan PlayOn!HD2 Media Player, an easy way of playing PC media on your TC:

AC Ryan have almost hit perfection with the PlayOn!HD2 in my opinion, it does movie and audio playback very very well, I do have a couple of minor gripes with it as mentioned on the previous page and I would love to see these improved, AC Ryan will probably do a few firmware updates over the life of this product and I expect the gripes to be fixed. They are not major and not really an issue for me, but I thought I would point them out as they are little niggles you the readers should know about.

Read the full review here.
Ooohhh, i've been looking at getting something like this, I've bee nlooking at the Mini or HD2.

As it is i stream my media to the TV from the pc via HDMI, But i have no control over it, and the PS3 doesn't play .mkv files (lolwut?) this would be a perfect Media hub.... :D

Good review too, the guy seems impressed. I've very tempted by one of these....
Which TV have your got, V_R? I know some can steam MKV's from a flash drive - I was surprised to find that my dad's TV can stream .mkv files from a USB port on the back!

If you want to save some £, you can install something like Twonky or PS3 media server on your PC and then stream direct to the PS3 :).
I can remember the model # off the top of my head, but its a Panasonic Viera 37" 1080p LCD. No USB on hte side though... I thought about that after a mate did it on his Sammy.

Hmmmm, does PS3MS support streaming mkv's? I'll have to investigate...
Yeah as far as I know the PS3 Media Server software can transcode MKV's - although I've not tried this myself so can't confirm. Worth a shot :D