Your link is to a direct download. This goes against accepted practice
on usenet. I tried deleting 'advent.php' from the end of the URL and got
a nonsense site.
Another time, you might consider putting a decent information page in
place with a link to the download.
And X-Posting to a group that refuses discussion posts is plain newbie
I have apologised for the x-posting, and admittedly should have read the FAQ
for the newsgroup before posting a direct link, I can understand how this
may annoy some people.
I was bored. Nobody else had responded to your post and I wondered why.
With hindsight, I assume that any response had been eaten by the
.announce mods, or they were too sensible to go anywhere near the app.
Boredom causes you to do something that would (in your own estimation)
compromise the security of your system? Are you sure you're not confusing
bored with pre-menstrual? Remind me not to hire you as a network
Again... if you had linked to a file description page which specified
minimum system specs, I would have spared myself the temptation to
sample your crapware app.
You chose not to.
A fair point tactlessly made. It was uploaded in somewhat of a hurry in
time for Advent, and some additional information would most likely be of use
for anyone wishing to download it.
And how on earth can I tel if the 800mhz, 256 RAM machine I am currently
sitting in front of is another of your 'doorstops'?
It is. However surely you, as a collector of antique computer equipment
such as this, would have the good sense to realise that expecting a modern
day piece of software to install and run flawlessly on a Pentium 1 is a bit
Sure. I repeat:
'a tasteless splash screen after opening an advent
box, with a 'donate' box, and a 'kiddies click here' piece of nonsense
which launched IE here - despite SetBrowser having, er, 'set' K-Meleon'
You are choosing not to address the above points, focussing entirely on
the 'donate' button and how one is not obligated to click it.
Tasteless is your opinion, which you are of course entitled to. And yes, it
utilises IE rather than the system's default browser. This is because IE is
capable of being hosted as an ActiveX control, and even doorstops such as
yours are generally guaranteed of having it installed. The online content
it links to is festive, isn't loaded with advertisements, and yes---big
surprise, is intended for children. It's an Advent Calendar for heaven's
sakes, what do you expect?
You can have a point for that. The fact that your install app had
already crashed my doorstop that had only been up for an hour was
conditioning my perceptions, and I was on 'stubborn' mode, interested to
see what sort of bloatware was at the end of the journey.
Holy crap, you kept a doorstop up for an hour running Win98? If it wasn't
for your complete lack of rudimentary manners I'd almost be impressed by
this, however I wouldn't be surprised if that machine was heading for a
nosedive anyway after 60 minutes of torture on hardware which is outmoded by
today's pocket calculators.
If it had not been for the tasteless splash screen, I would not have
made my original post.
You choose to include tasteless splash screens in your bloatware, you
will attract criticisms, even if you post in a way that tries to limit
And again, as you've clearly been elected the "Simon Cowell" of software for
this ng, you are of course entitled to your opinion, no matter how bitchy it
is. This was done as freeware and intended to give people a little fun and
festivity during Advent with no payment demands or limited trials. Whereas
people's input is certainly appreciated, comments like "crapware" go a bit
beyond the bounds of constructive criticism and basic courtesy. It's free,
If you don't like it, don't use it, it really is that simple.