AC Advent Calendar 2004

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Clark
  • Start date Start date
Alex said:
Hi All,

AC Advent Calendar 2004 is available for download. 100% freeware, in the
spirit of Christmas and all that!

A disguised direct download from a site that doesn't really exist, cross
posted to a moderated group that doesn't allow crossposting and eats
usenet replies...
There are times I really worry about my usenet habits, and this was one
of them. Still, I got to upgrade my AV :-)
A four and a half MB file.
The install crashed this 98SE, 233 with 32MB RAM. Undeterred I tried

It's a nice idea. Written by somebody really really lazy. And it's not
"100% freeware"... a tasteless splash screen after opening an advent
box, with a 'donate' box, and a 'kiddies click here' piece of nonsense
which launched IE here - despite SetBrowser having, er, 'set' K-Meleon.

A nice idea though; I might have a look for a decent one. Might be time
for an xmas freeware hunt :-)
jo said:
It's a nice idea. Written by somebody really really lazy

Did I mention that the bloaty thing put itself in my start menu without

This is precisely the sort of software that makes me realise I *need* to
use TotalUninstall.
Maybe I am dumb (which I've actually been accused of), but I thought it was
kind of cute. When I installed in Win92se, it DID tell me that it was
putting something in startup. I don't know if I could have stopped it from
doing so.

Anthony Giorgianni

The return address for this post is fictitious. Please reply by posting back
to the newsgroup.
Maybe I am dumb (which I've actually been accused of), but I thought it
kind of cute. When I installed in Win92se, it DID tell me that it was
putting something in startup. I don't know if I could have stopped it from
doing so.

Quite right, it asks you before installing in the Programs menu and the
Startup Folder and has a Cancel option on both. Thanks for trying it out!

Kind Regards,
Alex Clark
Anthony said:
Maybe I am dumb (which I've actually been accused of), but I thought it was
kind of cute

The *idea* is kinda cute; the implementation is ghastly, and the means
of distribution wholly irresponsible.

I should not be so wary of a link posted to ACF that I feel the need to
update my AV definitions, and no post should be cross posted to ACF that
includes a moderated group ( that
refuses discussion posts. My initial response to the OP got eaten by
moderators... I would not have known this if if I had (e-mail address removed) ,
or a munged addy, in my from field.
Seasons Greetings!
A disguised direct download from a site that doesn't really exist, cross
posted to a moderated group that doesn't allow crossposting and eats
usenet replies...

I apologise for the x-posting, but I'm not clear on what you mean by
"disguised direct download from a site that doesn't really exist". I assume
you're referring to the fact that it goes via a PHP script I installed to
count the number of downloads? It is in fact hosted in my webspace on this
site, it's not a redirect to somewhere else.

There are times I really worry about my usenet habits, and this was one
of them. Still, I got to upgrade my AV :-)

Indeed, one wonders why you bothered downloading it if you were overly
paranoid by it being a "disguised direct download". If you were that
concerned, perhaps you should've deprived yourself of an opportunity to
criticise other people's work and simply played it safe?

The install crashed this 98SE, 233 with 32MB RAM. Undeterred I tried

Yes, admittedly it wasn't designed with prehistoric hardware in mind, had I
been able to get my hands on a 6 year old "doorstop" to test it on, I may
have picked up on this.

And it's not "100% freeware"... a tasteless splash screen after opening an

At no point does it demand payment in order for you to continue using it, it
doesn't throw pop up windows in your face asking you for money, and it
doesn't do the "Winzip-Girl" act (for those of you who don't already know,
this is where a piece of software such as Winzip acts in a feminine manner,
i.e. each time it's run it asks you "Can you stop using me please? No? Ok
I'll just ask again tomorrow"). It simply contains a small and subtle
"Donate" button which you're under no obligation to even click.

In response to your other post about it stealthily installing shortcuts on
the Start Menu, a more observant newsgroup poster correctly pointed out that
it does in fact ask you before doing this and gives you an option to refuse
both of the Start Menu shortcuts, including the one in your Startup folder.

Alex Clark
Alex said:
kind of cute. When I installed in Win92se, it DID tell me that it was

Quite right, it asks you before installing in the Programs menu and the
Startup Folder and has a Cancel option on both. Thanks for trying it out!

Kind Regards, Alex Clark

But, Alex, pressing Cancel exits the installation program...

Nice idea, I like it, but you should change the Installer program, and
get rid of the IE box/browsing. And yes, the Donate button is small (no
problem there).

Regards from vegard
Alex said:
Seasons Greetings!

I apologise for the x-posting, but I'm not clear on what you mean by
"disguised direct download from a site that doesn't really exist". I assume
you're referring to the fact that it goes via a PHP script I installed to
count the number of downloads? It is in fact hosted in my webspace on this
site, it's not a redirect to somewhere else.

Your link is to a direct download. This goes against accepted practice
on usenet. I tried deleting 'advent.php' from the end of the URL and got
a nonsense site.
Another time, you might consider putting a decent information page in
place with a link to the download.
And X-Posting to a group that refuses discussion posts is plain newbie
Indeed, one wonders why you bothered downloading it if you were overly
paranoid by it being a "disguised direct download". If you were that
concerned, perhaps you should've deprived yourself of an opportunity to
criticise other people's work and simply played it safe?

I was bored. Nobody else had responded to your post and I wondered why.
With hindsight, I assume that any response had been eaten by the
..announce mods, or they were too sensible to go anywhere near the app.
Yes, admittedly it wasn't designed with prehistoric hardware in mind, had I
been able to get my hands on a 6 year old "doorstop" to test it on, I may
have picked up on this.

Again... if you had linked to a file description page which specified
minimum system specs, I would have spared myself the temptation to
sample your crapware app.
You chose not to.
And how on earth can I tel if the 800mhz, 256 RAM machine I am currently
sitting in front of is another of your 'doorstops'?
Since you choose not to share.
You are lazy. Very lazy.

At no point does it demand payment in order for you to continue using it, it
doesn't throw pop up windows in your face asking you for money, and it
doesn't do the "Winzip-Girl" act (for those of you who don't already know,
this is where a piece of software such as Winzip acts in a feminine manner,
i.e. each time it's run it asks you "Can you stop using me please? No? Ok
I'll just ask again tomorrow"). It simply contains a small and subtle
"Donate" button which you're under no obligation to even click.

Sure. I repeat:
'a tasteless splash screen after opening an advent
box, with a 'donate' box, and a 'kiddies click here' piece of nonsense
which launched IE here - despite SetBrowser having, er, 'set' K-Meleon'
You are choosing not to address the above points, focussing entirely on
the 'donate' button and how one is not obligated to click it.
In response to your other post about it stealthily installing shortcuts on
the Start Menu, a more observant newsgroup poster correctly pointed out that
it does in fact ask you before doing this and gives you an option to refuse
both of the Start Menu shortcuts, including the one in your Startup folder.

You can have a point for that. The fact that your install app had
already crashed my doorstop that had only been up for an hour was
conditioning my perceptions, and I was on 'stubborn' mode, interested to
see what sort of bloatware was at the end of the journey.

If it had not been for the tasteless splash screen, I would not have
made my original post.
You choose to include tasteless splash screens in your bloatware, you
will attract criticisms, even if you post in a way that tries to limit
Live with it.
Your link is to a direct download. This goes against accepted practice
on usenet. I tried deleting 'advent.php' from the end of the URL and got
a nonsense site.
Another time, you might consider putting a decent information page in
place with a link to the download.
And X-Posting to a group that refuses discussion posts is plain newbie

I have apologised for the x-posting, and admittedly should have read the FAQ
for the newsgroup before posting a direct link, I can understand how this
may annoy some people.
I was bored. Nobody else had responded to your post and I wondered why.
With hindsight, I assume that any response had been eaten by the
.announce mods, or they were too sensible to go anywhere near the app.

Boredom causes you to do something that would (in your own estimation)
compromise the security of your system? Are you sure you're not confusing
bored with pre-menstrual? Remind me not to hire you as a network
Again... if you had linked to a file description page which specified
minimum system specs, I would have spared myself the temptation to
sample your crapware app.
You chose not to.

A fair point tactlessly made. It was uploaded in somewhat of a hurry in
time for Advent, and some additional information would most likely be of use
for anyone wishing to download it.
And how on earth can I tel if the 800mhz, 256 RAM machine I am currently
sitting in front of is another of your 'doorstops'?

It is. However surely you, as a collector of antique computer equipment
such as this, would have the good sense to realise that expecting a modern
day piece of software to install and run flawlessly on a Pentium 1 is a bit

Sure. I repeat:
'a tasteless splash screen after opening an advent
box, with a 'donate' box, and a 'kiddies click here' piece of nonsense
which launched IE here - despite SetBrowser having, er, 'set' K-Meleon'
You are choosing not to address the above points, focussing entirely on
the 'donate' button and how one is not obligated to click it.

Tasteless is your opinion, which you are of course entitled to. And yes, it
utilises IE rather than the system's default browser. This is because IE is
capable of being hosted as an ActiveX control, and even doorstops such as
yours are generally guaranteed of having it installed. The online content
it links to is festive, isn't loaded with advertisements, and yes---big
surprise, is intended for children. It's an Advent Calendar for heaven's
sakes, what do you expect?

You can have a point for that. The fact that your install app had
already crashed my doorstop that had only been up for an hour was
conditioning my perceptions, and I was on 'stubborn' mode, interested to
see what sort of bloatware was at the end of the journey.

Holy crap, you kept a doorstop up for an hour running Win98? If it wasn't
for your complete lack of rudimentary manners I'd almost be impressed by
this, however I wouldn't be surprised if that machine was heading for a
nosedive anyway after 60 minutes of torture on hardware which is outmoded by
today's pocket calculators.
If it had not been for the tasteless splash screen, I would not have
made my original post.
You choose to include tasteless splash screens in your bloatware, you
will attract criticisms, even if you post in a way that tries to limit

And again, as you've clearly been elected the "Simon Cowell" of software for
this ng, you are of course entitled to your opinion, no matter how bitchy it
is. This was done as freeware and intended to give people a little fun and
festivity during Advent with no payment demands or limited trials. Whereas
people's input is certainly appreciated, comments like "crapware" go a bit
beyond the bounds of constructive criticism and basic courtesy. It's free,
If you don't like it, don't use it, it really is that simple.
Alex, I don't really know about the stuff the other folks are talking about,
so I can't comment. Maybe there was a better way for you to get the word
out. I don't know.

But I was happy to see the calendar this morning when I turned on my machine
(now I understand why you auto-put it into the start-up. Fun way to start
your computing day, assuming you shut off your machine at night.)
Incidentally, someone gave me a hard-copy advent calendar for my birthday
last week I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't know the term before :O( So
it was neat seeing your virtually one - which reminds me to open the little
door on the real one each day. I am enjoying the music in yours a lot and
the pictures (though they seems a bit stretched out on my laptop's 1024x768
LCD.) I hadn't realized realize they changed too until this morning.

By the way, I got the question about whether Santa Clause is real RIGHT!
Good thing!
I flubbed the less important one about there being 23 days left until Xmas.
Oh well. :O)

Thanks again and happy holidays to you.

Anthony Giorgianni

The return address for this post is fictitious. Please reply by posting back
to the newsgroup.
Alex said:
And yes, it
utilises IE rather than the system's default browser. This is because IE is
capable of being hosted as an ActiveX control, and even doorstops such as
yours are generally guaranteed of having it installed. The online content
it links to is festive, isn't loaded with advertisements, and yes---big
surprise, is intended for children. It's an Advent Calendar for heaven's
sakes, what do you expect?

This is where I apologise about my occasional rudeness towards Aaron.
it links to is festive, isn't loaded with advertisements, and yes---big
surprise, is intended for children. It's an Advent Calendar for heaven's
sakes, what do you expect?

Children?!!!? Uh-oh ::O(

Anthony Giorgianni

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to the newsgroup.
Hey, I just turned the big 50 last week I didn't know... what can I say?
:O). Hey, I'm opening door #3 when I boot up tomorrow anyway, what do I have
to lose? I'm interested in finding out how reindeer Santa has or whatever it

Anthony Giorgianni

The return address for this post is fictitious. Please reply by posting back
to the newsgroup.
Anthony said:
to lose? I'm interested in finding out how reindeer Santa has or whatever it

Me too, actually. There is one reindeer that is rumored to have a red
nose! :)
Red nose huh? I hope they bring that up.

Happy Holidays to ya!

Anthony Giorgianni

The return address for this post is fictitious. Please reply by posting back
to the newsgroup.
Alex Clark said:

Thanks for testing and reporting, Jo.

I far prefer software which is designed to be lightweight, polite, and
clean. I can do without the iexplore.exe window with the kiddy reindeer
webpage or whatever, when all of those qualities have been disregarded.