I remember reading about that too a while ago, I can't remember really
where, it
could have been off a webpage from Microsoft. Here it is stated in
CodeProject by
Interface: Requires more time to find the method in the corresponding
Abstract: Fast.
Al when I first read this a while ago I took it for face value as I
wouldn't know
how to challenge it. After reading Peter's and Arne's responses, maybe
the quote
above from the CodeProject website is also saying Interface: Fast...????
Of course
how much (more) time???
I really have no idea what the author is trying to state there.
Unfortunately, while the article has a number of very good, useful points,
those are undermined by imprecision and vagueness in other parts of the
I find myself wondering if by "Speed", the author is describing code
maintenance, though even there the idea that it's harder to find the
implementation of an interface in a class than to find the implementation
of abstract members doesn't really make any sense either.
In terms of performance, the very first comment to the article does a fine
job debunking any claims of speed differential. The commenter does point
out that accessing fields is faster in abstract classes, but only because
interfaces can't have fields; in an interface, access to a field always
has to go through a virtual property, which can't be inlined and suffers
the infinitessimal overhead of a virtual method call (a non-virtual
property with a trivial getter could be inlined, and would most likely
perform as well as a field...but again, interfaces can't have non-virtual
Basically, it's simply not true that an abstract class is faster, in the
sense of execution performance, than an interface. It's probably not
faster in any other sense either.