absolute position in the screen



Hi all,

Does anybody know how I can get the absolute coordenates X and Y of a
control in the screen?.

Example. I have a MainForm and inside of it there is a child Form,
which in turn has a Label inside. The Top and Left properties of this
Label return coordenates related at the begining of his parent (child
form), but I want to know this Top and Left properties from upper
left corner of the screen.

Sorry about that question, but I have spend a lot of time (10 to 12
hours) trying to figure it out. I have tried this with
'ClientToScreen' Windows API, but I couldn't solve it.

Please examples are welcome.

thanks a lot.

Ahmed Qurashi

Use Control's PointToScreen method.

Point labelOrigin = new Point(0, 0); // this is referencing the control
Point screenOrigin = label1.PointToScreen(labelOrigin); // this references
the screen coordinate system

It works even for nested controls.


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