Absolute minimum window size required

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It seems that a lot of people have similar problems with window sizes with
MSIE from SP2.

I also have the same problem too but unlike many others who want their MSIE
windows maximised upon "open in new window", I want them to be opened to the
most minimum size as shown in the URL below.


I've tried the resize and close trick which worked for SP1 and previous
versions but with SP2, it fails to do so.

Can anyone please help me with this?
Jan Il said:
Try closing all but one window. In the last window, grab the top or bottom
corner on one side with your cursor, and then reduce or close in the window
until it is the size that you want. This should reset the standard page
size to the new size you've made. Then close the last window, close IE,
then reopen it and see if the page size is as you set it.

Yep, that's what I was talking about previously, but if the resize is too
small at a certain extent, MSIE fails memorise the setting.
There is this free little utility that might help:


A very close solution.
I hate to be picky but this forces every single new window to be opened to
my specific size (which is at minimum of 123 x 34, in my case), even HTML
javascript resize coded pages.

I'm not good at explaining things in a fluent sentence or two, so I'll type
down what happens in point form with the slight differences:

Windows XP SP1 and older Windows versions with MSIE (I like how MSIE acted
- "Open in New Window" will open a new window at the last 'Restore' size
memorised when the last window was closed.
Will remember pretty much any size of the window you left it before closing.
- If a link is clicked on and a new window is opened due to the HTML
scripting, then it will do so in the memorised size, unless the HTML
scripting has instructed the window to open at a specify dimension, which is
what is suppose to do.

Windows SP2 with MSIE:
- Fails to memorise the last resize dimensions, if the resize is too small,
like somewhere below 300 x 200.

Windows SP2 with MSIE and AutoSizer:
- All new MSIE windows including CRTL + N or first executed from
iexplore.exe (i.e. first running the program itself) will open at the size
specified in the AutoSizer.
Will override HTML resize scripts.
The last comment is bad. Some webpages have scripts that disable the
maximise button.

So this is how I'd like my MSIE to run as previously before the installation
of SP2, after basic no-brainer tweaking:
- Running MSIE from the the initial .exe file will result in maximised screen.
- The "CTRL + N" new window command will result in maximised screen.
- "Open in New Window" right mouse button click will open the a new window
at the smallest 'restore' size possible (or any other size you want, for that
- HTML resize script in the web page will operate as instructed.

Windows XP SP2 does all of this except that it won't open a new page in the
smallest window resize possible.

AutoSizer will most likely to override HTML resize scripts, which will ruin
the web browsing experience.
I mean, when I clicked to reply for this message, the new window to type in
the response was opened at the size specified in the AutoSizer program,
overriding the new window HTML script to open this page at a fixed dimension.

The more I type about this, the more I get confused about how to type this
out properly for you guys to understand exactly what is going on.

I'll leave it as is for now and I believe that you should get a fairly good
idea what is going on here.

Thanks Jan Il, for the response.
Hi Carl :-)

There is this free little utility that might help:



Try closing all but one window. In the last window, grab the top or bottom
corner on one side with your cursor, and then reduce or close in the window
until it is the size that you want. This should reset the standard page
size to the new size you've made. Then close the last window, close IE,
then reopen it and see if the page size is as you set it.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.

How to make a good newsgroup post:
Hi Carl :-)

As I am not quite sure I fully understand what you wish to do with the
window sizing, wanting it only for some windows. Nor am I clear how yo uset
this selective sizing in IE before, but, you might try the following and see
if it helps. Hopefully, someone else here might also have information that
might allow you to set specific sizing for certain files or webpages, if
that is what you are looking to do.

Control Internet Explorer's Window Size

Windows XP From A-Z

WinXP SP2 Homepage

There is also some additional assistance available here:

WinXP SP2 Support Center
Pages of MVP & 'Windows Update Maven' Jupiter Jone's
Service Pack (any) Installation Checklist

WinXP SP2-specific Page

MS No charge SP2 support website

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.

How to make a good newsgroup post:
Thanks for the help, but it's not exactly what I wanted.

The only issue I have is the windows size when given the "Open in New
Window" command.

All other functions like starting iexplore.exe or CTRL + N do work as usual.

When starting iexplore.exe or CRTL + N, it will open at the size last
remembered even if it was last maximised.

When "Open in New Window" or HTML coded <a target="_blank" href="...">, it
will open at the size last remembered but not maximised.

This is how I like it.

With SP2, it still retains these functions but the only problem with it is
that it will not remember the last window size if it is too small.

Try this yourself if you have SP2 installed:
- Do the memerise resize trick on MSIE with dimensions say 500 x 500.
It should remember that size when the next time you open MSIE in new window.

- Now try the memerise resize trick again but this time, resize it to the
smallest dimension possible before closing.
Now MSIE fails to remember that.

Somehow, if you resize it to somewhere smaller than 300 x 200, it will not
memerise it.

Okay, so MSIE with SP2 is not running exactly like it use to.

Either way, I'll have to get use to it (probably not, as my surfing habits
do prefer minimal sized pop ups - actually it helps) or re-install WinXP with
SP1 only along with other patches when I have the time to do so.

What are the improvements in SP2 anyway?
I do have my own firewall and a very active antivirus and patch my PC often
with everything except SP2 before then and disabled activeX...
Hi Carl,
I don't know how much programming you know but this is a script that will
shrink IE's window to its smallest size.

//Small Screen - Shrink the current IE Window.
var parentwin = external.menuArguments;

You can fire this script either from the context menu, a toolbar button or
from the Tools menu. You will have to select this command instead of the
'Open in new Window' command. Thats the best you can do... The 'Open in new
Window' is built into IE and can't be altered easily ( this is how pop-up
blockers work).

To open a hyper-link in a new small window you will have to modify the above
script to use window.open(surl,"",'new window attributes') and size and
position your new window accordingly.

Regards - (e-mail address removed)
Either I don't get it or you haven't understood my problem.
But that's okay thanks for your input.

IE Customizer, I think you are thinking that I have problems with making web
pages but this is not the case.

It's just that my surfing habits aesthetically need new windows opened to
the minimum size.