Absolute Limit of Fields in a report

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I am aware of the absolute limit of fields in a report (256). I regret that I
inherited an older report that was never compiled, nor had data linked to all
of the fields, guess what? "We would like to see all that we have in this
kitchen sink report"

Any suggestions as to an add on to get round the limit? or should I just
export to a formatted spreadsheet and print from that?

In that case, anyone got a good example of writing a value from a field to a
specific named cell on a spreadsheet using office 2002 libraries?
Depends on your database. I can't really think of an instance where a
report would need that many fields even if it included almost every field in
the database. If your database is properly designed and uses one-to-many
relationships, you can store an enormous amount of information with
surprisingly few fields. You might ant to post some info about your
database structure.

If your structure is correct, then you should be able to use subreports to
get more data into your report.

Thanks for the reply. Its not my database, I would never have designed
anything even close to it. I have inherited a legacy system and reports, the
users "want" the original reports because that what they are used to. I have
just to put up with it and re-design as nec.
The field limit you are referring to is the number of fields returned in a
query. You could use subreports for extra fields since a subreport would
have its own record source.