About The Text Qualifier

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Dear all,

By using TransferText Action running inside the macro, the text file will
have text qualifiers like this

Is it possible to elimiate those text qualifiers like this

Thx for yr help!

First, run through the export manually, via the File|Export menu. You
can specify the qualifier to use (or none). When you get to the final
screen of the export wizard, click the Advanced button, and save your
setup as a Specification. Then, nominate this Specification in the
arguments of the TransferText action in your macro.
Thanks Steve,

Lots of online Help mentioned about the "Advanced" button but I can never
find them when I export the resultset ... Am I correct if I choose "Text
Files" as the file type?

The version I'm using is Access 2003 SP1

Looking forward for your further assistance.

Much Thanks!


Yes, "text files" is correct.

1. Select the table or query in the Database Window.
2. Go to the File|Export menu.
3. Select the location, and "text files" as you suggested.
4. Click 'Export' (bottom right).
THis takes you into the Export Wizard. The 'Advanced' button is at the
bottom left of this dialog window. But go through the wizard with setup
of deloimiters, qualifiers, etc, before going to 'Advanced'.
WDear Steve,

After the "Export" button, the only screen prompted to me is "Encode". I've
been asked to select either "Windows (default)", "MS-DOS", "Unicode" or
"Unicode (UTF-8)" and only "OK" or "Cancel" buttons I can click on. Then the
text file will be generated without further screens prompted.

So the Export Wizard is only available in specific version or serivce patch?

