Bright said:
My Systematic plate usually warmed me of the Insufficient of
means I need to reduce weight for C plate frequently,
Anybody have some good suggestions?
Sure, here are some suggestions.
1. Buy a bigger hard drive. Clone your current installation to it. Use the
original, smaller hard drive for extra storage.
2. Buy a second hard drive, internal or external, and move all your data to
3. If you can't do either 1 or 2, start burning your data to DVD-R and then
take whatever you can off the hard drive. Uninstall anything you don't
need/use. Do maintenance to get rid of temporary files (Disk Cleanup).
If you need more specific information, you may wish to post to a newsgroup
in your native language. I say that not to offend you in any way but simply
because giving/receiving technical help in writing is difficult enough
without the added factor of a language barrier. Find newsgroups in other
languages here: - list of MS newsgroups