You may set your own key to be monitored by the RegFilter under
If you give it a try, please let us know the results.
The old (QFE'd) Reg Filter component even had some keys predefined through its registry section (TSCAL and Domain secret key).
The new one included in FP2007, I guess, adds the reg. entries by via CMI script.
Hello KM,
You state
you can use Microsoft Registry Filter to [un]protect certain keys (TimeZoneInfo or the DST entries only). Registry
Filter was available as QFE for SP2, it is also included in FP2007.
Is there any documentation on how to unprotect certain keys with the registry filter? All I see in FP2007 is you can check for
the domain and TCAL issue. If you can point to any url's that would be great.
Debbie Baldassini
You can disable DST on any XPe image.
If your question was about using Registry Filter...
Technically it is possible (you'd probably need to replace EWF binaries on your SP1 image by the ones from SP2).
On the legal side I'd recommend checking this out with your XPe distributor or Microsoft.
Thank you for your kind help
about this, Can I apply for XPE SP1?
my image is built by XPE SP1.
please give me advise.
This is known daylight saving problem with EWF enabled on XPe.
You can either disable the daylight saving on your image (search this NG for DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet) or, in case you
need the DST to work, you can use Microsoft Registry Filter to [un]protect certain keys (TimeZoneInfo or the DST entries
only). Registry Filter was available as QFE for SP2, it is also included in FP2007.
More detail tech info on the issue you can find in this thread:
i have applied XPE with EWF.
but i have strange phenomena. that is system Time changing.
after adjusting System time and turn off system or rebooting, my system time is changed -1 hours every booting.
i have checked backup battery. it is no problem.
please advise this for me.
Thank you very mych.