I just wonder what is your opinion about strongly typed dataset.
I have hardly used them at all so I wonder if these kind of dataSet
should be used instead of the untyped dataSet.
If you have the choice between a typed and a untyped DataSet, the typed
one gives you more type safety and therefore some less bugs because the
compiler can detect them. OK, and your code might looks a bit more
pretty. But that's it. They have the same memory footprint and the same
inefficiency for data processing.
I had no use case where a DataSet (typed or not) was the best solution
since .NET 1.1 so far, and very few cases where it was a reasonable
solution. They are pretty for PowerPoint presentations, but for business
applications they do not solve more problems than they create. In most
applications we removed the DataSet after some time of development
because of various reasons. Only about a dozen DataSets survived the
first 6 months in production environment in the last 10 years.