about Sqldataadapter

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony
  • Start date Start date



According to a book that I'm reading it says.
"The SqlDataAdapter determines the number of records affected by executing
the query and throws a DBConcurrencyException if the query did not modify
any rows. If the database does not report how many record were affected by
the query (reporting -1 instead) the SqlDataAdapter still assumes success."

Now to my question how is it possible that the SqlDataAdapter can return -1
I have tried to google for SqlDataAdapter returning -1 but haven't find any

But then I don't understand. What is the difference if the SqlDataAdapter
return -1 or 0 ?

According to a book that I'm reading it says.
"The SqlDataAdapter determines the number of records affected by executing
the query and throws a DBConcurrencyException if the query did not modify
any rows. If the database does not report how many record were affected by
the query (reporting -1 instead) the SqlDataAdapter still assumes

Now to my question how is it possible that the SqlDataAdapter can
return -1
I have tried to google for SqlDataAdapter returning -1 but haven't find

The way I read what you wrote does not suggest that the SqlDataAdapter
returns -1 to YOU, but that the DATABASE returns -1 to the SqlDataAdapter.
What the SqlDataAdapter passes on to you I wouldn't know.