Tim Clark
About Spoofing,
I think we should all call attention to messages "spoofing" us by a simple
"SPOOF ALERT" The above message was not posted by me.
At this point I am still uncertain as to the status of some of yesterdays
1. I still do not know if the "piggy back" by "Engel" on Randy's message was
2. I still do not know if the "get a mac" by "Engel" in reply to me was
3. I believe the original "PING Engel" from Randy Was genuine as his apology
does not refute it. (I there fore believe occam is incorrect in thinking
Randy was spoofed)
4. I am sure the "Hey brown nose" reply to Randy was Not Engel.
I think we should all call attention to messages "spoofing" us by a simple
"SPOOF ALERT" The above message was not posted by me.
At this point I am still uncertain as to the status of some of yesterdays
1. I still do not know if the "piggy back" by "Engel" on Randy's message was
2. I still do not know if the "get a mac" by "Engel" in reply to me was
3. I believe the original "PING Engel" from Randy Was genuine as his apology
does not refute it. (I there fore believe occam is incorrect in thinking
Randy was spoofed)
4. I am sure the "Hey brown nose" reply to Randy was Not Engel.