If following the advice given, you have any problems, please post a new
thread in the windowsupdate group, where such matters are being discussed.
The below may also be of help re download and install.
Also I would read other threads re SP2 in the windowsupdate group to get
some idea of the problems/resolutions that others have recently had with the
SP2 update.
Don't forget that there are some 50-60 or more security/critical updates to
download and install after you have installed SP2.
As yet there is no SP3.
I would not try and install all these in one go, but four or five at a time,
and in the order given, after checking that are relevant for you system.
I wish you every success in this venture.But do take your time over this
upgrade/update.Acknowledgement to Mow Green for some of the above info.
"As yet there is no SP3."
when i do a search on microsoft for fixing the problem of not having the
expected version of windows on my comp, the first or second link takes me to
service pack 3 for xp. so is that not working yet?