Yves Alarie said:
New tricks!
No, I don't have it to single click. Tried this but did not like it.
I find it to be useful...and I'm too lazy to double click.
So if this option is not on ,of seeing a thumbnail when placing your mouse
pointer over a jpg file when you use single click, how do you get it back?
If you are set to single click and do not see the
thumb in the Picture Tasks pane when pointing
to a file name...I guess the regular fixes would
be in order.
I get this opening of the file as a thumbnail (using double click) under
Details when I single click on a file name or navigate the file names with
my arrow key. No problem.
The only difference in my version is that you
don't click...you just point. On single click...
a mouse over replaces the first click.
If this poster means opening a thumbnail under
Details, fine, but this is the only thing XP will do.
Showing a thumbnail under Details, nothing more
and nothing less and this is a very small (but
still readable) thumbnails. Showing a large thumbnail over the file name
when placing your mouse pointer over the file name, does this exist?
I guess you mean like a pop-up? Digital Image
Library 2006 has this capability. But I don't think
it's possible in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
If under single click, the thumbnail is supposed to open over the file
not under Details view, I have never seen this. If placing the mouse
over the file is supposed to show a thumbnail under the Details view, then
maybe the Details view is simply closed and needs to be opened. Maybe this
is the simple solution to the original poster.
The thumb I'm talking about opens at the bottom of
the Picture Tasks Pane. And it works with any of
the following views:
.....Tiles / Icons / List / Details....
BTW I had more time to play with the DIS 2006. My first impression that it
was more complicated than DIS 10 came from looking at the video tutorial.
Different that the DIS 10 video tutorial,. Seems simpler with DIS 10
tutorial (and frankly, the model used in DIS 10 is a lot nicer than the
in DIS 2006, and the tutorial in DIS 10 is much better than in DIS 2006)
once I started using DIS 2006 today, it is really the same thing as far as
photo editing is concerned.
Bingo, my observations exactly. There are a
few little tweaks but nothing IMHO that justifies
the purchase of the new version. Unless the
RAW support and sub-folders in the library are
what a user needs.