Looking for help from anyone... I've somehow contracted
an ugly virus / spyware that will not go away. I've
tried NAV scans, some random spyware software that was
useless, and now MS anti-spyware beta.
Although the MS anti-spyware does detect all kinds of
problems both virus and spyware... it does not seem to
remove it. Despite all its efforts and 'apparent'
removal of the problems... they continue to reoccur. One
of the primary symptoms is the reappearance of the IE
page about:blank... showing only a simple search page
with all kinds of links below to bizzare topics. It pops
up everytime I open IE, regardless of my home page
assignment, and it appears it will change it back
everytime I try to manually delete the about:blank as my
home page.
I can no longer update my NAV virus definitions now, and
MS spyware does not seem to be removing the problem...
just continues to pop-up with detected issues, but never
fully resolving it.
Any advice? similar problems? Thanks you in advance!
-Lance H.
an ugly virus / spyware that will not go away. I've
tried NAV scans, some random spyware software that was
useless, and now MS anti-spyware beta.
Although the MS anti-spyware does detect all kinds of
problems both virus and spyware... it does not seem to
remove it. Despite all its efforts and 'apparent'
removal of the problems... they continue to reoccur. One
of the primary symptoms is the reappearance of the IE
page about:blank... showing only a simple search page
with all kinds of links below to bizzare topics. It pops
up everytime I open IE, regardless of my home page
assignment, and it appears it will change it back
everytime I try to manually delete the about:blank as my
home page.
I can no longer update my NAV virus definitions now, and
MS spyware does not seem to be removing the problem...
just continues to pop-up with detected issues, but never
fully resolving it.
Any advice? similar problems? Thanks you in advance!
-Lance H.