about:blank being redirected

  • Thread starter Thread starter johng
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i'm sure everyone is reporting this, but is this being
saved somewhere, or it is getting redirected by some DLL
on my workstation?
Hi Johng :-)
i'm sure everyone is reporting this, but is this being
saved somewhere, or it is getting redirected by some DLL
on my workstation?

Try the following and see if it will help.

About Blank Virus

Variant 35: CWS.Aboutblank:

Excerpt from CWS Chronicles - Per Merijn:

"Symptoms: IE pages changed to about-blank.ws and
(1-se.com), hijack returning on system restart."

"This variant does everything in its powers to redirect you to a domain
owned by 1-se.com. IE is hijacked to it, the hosts file is replaced to
redirect about 100 porn and CWS domains to 1-se.com, and a randomly named
stylesheet is dropped that redirects to 1-se.com when certain keywords
appear in webpages."

About Blank

CWS Chronicles (Scroll down to Aboutblank)

Also see.....................

Aboutblank - for Win2K

RegLite - Use for About blank Registry removal

More information here:

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
About.blank is in an endless loop. The program remembers the websites
visited and receives hits on a counter. When these hits fail to
return, the program revisits its previous sites and re-installs
about.blank to the computer. Who has time to download, run, remember,
save, re-download, re-remove, and forever be haunted by the
about.blank virus. If you upgrade your security to a higher level,
some sites won't be available. In other words, you will not be
getting the whole picture. What then is the easiest, most viable
alternative? I have found this to be so easy, any computer user can
do this and beat the about.blank at their own game. After you do
this, you get the website up first you want and you avoid the
irritation accompanying this pernicious little hijacker for good.
Open Control Panel and then Internet Options. Close the Control
Panel box and leave the Internet Options box open. Remove about.blank
from the webbar and type in your desired website. Click Apply, but DO
NOT CLOSE THE INTERNET OPTIONS BOX. Move the box out of your way on
the desktop, open Internet Explorer, and your selected website will
appear on startup. NOw each time you re-open Internet Explorer you
will have to reset your page by delteing the m in .com and then click
apply. This takes aobut the same amount of time to fiddle with the
about.blank page. Since you are medium to low security, you need to
delete cookies and files anyway. So the box is open, you keep the box
open and it reminds you daily to delte cookies and files. This is
simple, costs nothing, you use existing software, and you kick butt on
about.blank. They will never get a digit on the hit counter from you.
And even if they keep re-sending the hijacker, you still defeat them
until they figure out a way to beat you a changing the browser.
Please try this and Email me back at (e-mail address removed)