I checked References and none are marked 'MISSING'. I unchecked Name
AutoCorrect in Access Options.
No, I am the only person using this DB. I have installed all updates for
A2007. I am using Vista x64 and have updated it to current. This is the
same version as in the old computer. No difference there.
Can you tell me where these modules are embedded? Although, I see
abjMouseWheel under "Unassigned Objects", I seem to recall having to
reference this somewhere in the form design somewhere. I am not able to
establish the location.
Where I go to design view for my form, I then go to Design, View Code.
Now on the bottom left, I see Properties for my Form. There is a line
there for "MouseWheel". When I add "abjMouseWheel" to the space to the
right of "MouseWheel" (=function(abjMouseWheel)), I then save it. Then
when I attempt to move my Wheel over the Form, I get the following error
This error occurs when an event has failed to run because Microsoft Office
Access cannot evaluate the location of the logic for the event. For
example, if the OnOpen property of a form is set to =[Field], this error
occurs because Access expects a macro or event name to run when the event
is fired.
What do you think?
Gina Whipp said:
Have you checked References to make sure none are marked 'MISSING',
though it shouldn't just be impacting only one module it's worth the
look. I would also check that Name AutoCorrect is unchecked.
Also, when you say it only occurs '...in my form...', does that mean
their are other people using the using the datbase and they are not
having the same problem? I would also check to make sure all updates
have been installed.
Also, what version of Windows?
Gina Whipp
"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" -
Tremors II