Plz help. I am in great dilema. I have always buying intel,
but it is way expensive, I can't take it any more. Is intel so
better than amd, because prize is almost 2times bigger.
I have tualation 1400mhz and ASUS TUSL-2C mainborad,
and combination is perfect, never freezes and can withstand
any situation.
Do you recomend abit nf-7 or is there better mainboard?
To me is important stability of comp
but it is way expensive, I can't take it any more. Is intel so
better than amd, because prize is almost 2times bigger.
I have tualation 1400mhz and ASUS TUSL-2C mainborad,
and combination is perfect, never freezes and can withstand
any situation.
Do you recomend abit nf-7 or is there better mainboard?
To me is important stability of comp