

Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Whew.... That feels better!

I can't believe the rate that this 'To do' list is growing!

I have pages & pages full of things all ticked off....
And pages & pages & pages & pages &..............
of things that have to be done.
& it's growing!!!!!
& growing
&.... no, hang on... I did that already didn't I :nod:
As the wedding gets closer the more things we keep on thinking of that have to be done.
I'm not insane yet... no... hang on... I got that one wrong too... didn't I?

Spent the day in town yesturday getting Bridesmaid/Bridesman clothes for the kids
& I'm broke :nod:
I managed to get them both dressed & shod for about $240
Which isn't too bad I suppose,
Luckily Tomo's outfit was on special & I got it for $60 (under half price :nod: )
plus another $80 for the shoes & stockings :eek:
My boy got a mini Tux for $60 plus $40 for his shoes (that was sheer stupidity on my behalf... until I actually got the Tux it hadn't occured to me that he would need shoes :wall:
But grotty old sneakers just don't work with a tux.
The suit is cool though (even he thinks so), even has a cumberbund :nod:
is a 5 piece suit, & I checked out the cost of the individual items seperately & even just the shirt, Trou & jacket were $30 each :eek:
May have emptied my wallet... but gotta say... They look fantastic!!!! :nod:
I'm glad i don't get married on a regular basis though!!!

Couldn't afford a 'Bridal Bouquet' so I'm going to get Tomo to pop into Port on the day & pick up a couple of supermarket bunches of flowers & I'll take them apart & make up a bridal bouquet of my own :nod:

Omigod... all the things to do around the property before the wedding.

I suppose I'd better go,
Today I've got to:

Clear The plants off & tidy the deck
Assemble the DVD case thats in bits around the Lounge room
Shift the BBQ up to the back paddock
Dig a drainage trench
Get the kids to tidy their room
Tidy my 'office' (my desk & surrounding furniture have exploded with assorted things to do & organise)
Email the Vows to the marriage celebrant & make an appt for the weekend
Email a copy of the words & assorted Q & A to my Mum
Get the kids to tidy their room
Phone Party equip hire place to hire some chairs
Tidy the garden shed (it doesn't have a door so gotta look sorta organised)
Empty assorted pieces of heavy equipment out from under the house
Put some boxes away
return assorted pieces of heavy equipment to under the house
mow the lawns
Get kids to tidy room
trim the plants along the path down to the creek (all overhanging the path at the moment)
Phone the Careys Bay Hotel about parking (we've told ppl to park along the waterfont but some will definitely fill up the hotel carpark anyway)
Continue sorting out music for the wedding (gotta keep em entertained for up to an hour b4 the ceremony (as well as at the 'reception' of course) because we can't bus them all up at once in the mini bus - no parking outside our house & the road up is VERY steep)
Plant some plants in the alpine garden
wax legs
Get kids to tidy their room.
Put up the gazeebo & assemble the appropriate furniture
practice Wedding
take down the gazeebo & put away the furninture
Get kids to tidy their room :wall:
Sleep... waddaya mean it's time to get up!!!!!!

Another lazy day in other words :eek: :wall: :eek:
cirianz, i'm an expert on weddings, i've had 2!!!!
Both wives are now ex-wives:D
Take it nice & easy and everything will fall in to place on the day.
Thank you murdoch :)
funnily I'm not stressing about getting married
although I've had the occasional 'twighlight zone' sort of feeling over the last couple of weeks,
Getting more frequent as the day gets closer.
But I've only had a couple of 'panic attacks'

But trying to get the wedding sorted...
I suppose I just have to do what I can & then forget about the rest come the day.
It's harder for John.
He wants everything 'just perfect' for when the guests come (he's a bit of a neat-freak)
& it's harder for him to see it in terms of what he's achieved,
He tends to see things in terms of all the things he didn't get done.
That's why he's spending the night before the wedding in a hotel
cos otherwise he'd spend the night before & the whole wedding morning working still :rolleyes:
I had better go now anyhow
Work is calling....
Thanks Alf :D
4:37pm here, been working in the garden all day so far & haven't done a fraction of the things on the list :rolleyes:
Oh well,
Got a ton of things done that needed doing & weren't on the list... yet
Working in the garden was good.
Was all Lawns & weed-eating & cutting back & weeding type stuff
Big Jobs mostly, so can look at it afterwards & see the difference :nod:
That's always cool :)
You getting married Cirianz...I'm like you not had any time to myself lately and didn't even check out the site on my birthday...

Hey just let it all settle into place on the day and stop stressing....:D

I'm sure it will be a wonderful day...:nod:
Thanks crazylegs :)
Yes, I'm getting married in 9 days :eek:
So not much time left now to get everything done.
Just finished assembling the DVD case & sorting my DVD's into it.
Got rid of those choatic stacks of Videos & DVD's that were breeding beside the TV at last.
We are having the wedding here at home so most of what we're doing is tidying up the place & making it fit for guests & weddings etc.
There didn't seem that much to do... until we started doing it :rolleyes:
Oh well, probably best to keep busy this close to the wedding anyhow :rolleyes:
Avoids that whole 'countdown' feeling... to some extent anyway :)
8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... oh bugger

Relax Girl, if you found time to write on the forum, you have loads of time for everything else. :D

lol. true mucks, although reckon if I didn't come here & scream sometimes I'd be running around in squares, not circles :nod:
Running squares is a lot like running in cirgles... except there's a lot more corners & the walls are real bouncy :nod:

Well, I've just finished putting some more music together.
If one thing goes right it should be the music :nod:
It's an incredble selection :D
Thanks Tony :)

Oh.. we picked out the 'bridal march' song,
We're having 'Nocturne' By Secret Garden
Not exactly traditional :rolleyes:
But, then, no one ever accused me of being traditional :D
My Mum was making fun of me on the phone the other night.
Her 'rebel daughter' who always had to go my own way & make my own path, doing the 'conventional thing' & getting married :lol:
She thinks it's hilarious
Mind you, it won't be exactly a 'traditional' marrige.
most people find us weird.
Keeping all our finances seperate etc
But it avoids fights over money & gives much more independance.
Suits us anyway.
But when I was signing the Pre Nuptial document yesturday
The Lawyer got me to sign a waiver saying that she'd advised me that she thought it wasn't fair & therefore I can't sue her if I change my mind later on.
She's just being sensible & covering her a*se
But she had trouble grasping the concept that just because I was (or would be if I hadn't signed the pre nup)
legally entitled to something, doesn't necessarily mean that it's fair for me to take it.
Legally I would be entitled to half of his rental property
But, asides from helping him clean it between tenants I've never contributed anything towards it.
He saved for the deposit
He pays the mortgage, rates, insurance & maintenance costs from his income.
It's his retirement plan basically.
It has nothing to do with me &
although I might be legally entitled to half of it,
It would not be fair for me to take that half.
It makes sense to me anyway.
The lawyer couldn't get it though.

My Mum did the 'But don't you trust each other' thing when she found out we were doing a pre nup
But both of us have learned in the past that trusting someone doesn't necessarily mean that they will fulfill that trust.
& to me it just seems sensible to sort this stuff out now when we are happy & feeling good about each other,
Than to try & sort it out later, when we were angry & hurt, if we ever split up.

I better go, I'm tired & I'm waffling.
Bed time for me.
Another long day ahead tomorrow :nod:
"Oh Bugger" getting one more day closer :lol:
cirianz said:
But when I was signing the Pre Nuptial document yesturday
See thats were i went wrong with wife 1 & 2.:rolleyes:
They did agree to honour and obey at the wedding service.
But then tried to take me to the cleaners at the divorce!!

cirianz, it will be OK on the day, dont forget to send us the pictures of you & your big day.:thumb:
Sounds like everything's going quite normal then Ciri, ya know, SNAFU, panic, heart palpitations, more panic, doubts, fears, worries and the whole nine yards :)

All will be good, you'll see :)

I too have two ex-wives out there somewhere.

Erm, actually, no, officially I'm still married to the 2nd one, oo-er :eek:

I thought my home was my retirement plan, was almost paid for when we split, now I've gone full circle, was raised in a Council home, now I'm back in a Council home.

Such is life.

Still, let's not dwell on that, I still think marriage can be a fine thing, it's a public statement that the two of you are an item, nothing more, nothing less, in my opinion. Which I reckon can be a good thing.

Gotta admit, I liked being married :)

First marriage was ok, I had a very happy three years but I was too young, too restless (I was actually 29, lol) and so I split. No hard feelings, everything amicable, no kids.

Anyway, sorry, I really shouldn't be going on about that in a thread celebrating your forthcoming splicing ceremony

I'm glad you like the music, I figured with that lot you're bound to find something you like :)

I would be interested to see your final track listings actually. After the wedding is over, after a while, perhaps you could PM me or post here in the forum what actually got played on the day.

I'd like that :)

Well, I'll leave you to your drainage ditch (drainage ditch? lol) and wish you and John the very best, you two and the kids take care, ok?
Take your time babes! take your time:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYou will be OK I know............
Thank you guys :)

Yes, murdoch & Tony, that's exactly what I mean. It's definitely best to sort these things out in advance when things are good.
The pre nup is legal & binding also. That's why we each had to go to seperate lawyers as well as the Lawyer who drew the pre nup up in the first place for us. Once signed it's final & applys in all circumstances, even if we split up & get back together. That's why the Lawyer had me sign a waiver since, because you can't get a clever lawyer to have the pre nup over-ridden later on, instead people have taken to sueing the Lawyers, claiming they gave bad advice & they'd never have signed if the lawyer had told them this that & the other....

Yes Tony, that's one of the reasons John bought his rental property in Careys Bay, rather than in town.
Because he loves it here, & if we split up he doesn't want to lose the bay as well.
He'll still have a home he can go to.
& we'll have this place valued, deduct the mrtgage, divide the remainder in half, & I'll buy John out of his share.
That way he gets a 'return on his investment' because if this place goes up in value, a good part of the reason will be the amount of work we both have put into it.
& john works very hard.
I get to keep this place,
& John doesn't lose out on the money & time he's put into the place.
So neither one of us ends up homeless or shafted
A win-win situation :)

I've just spent most of today in town.
Dropped the original documents of the pre nup off with our Lawyer.
There's also a copy with each of our seperate lawyers & of course we each hold a copy ourselves.
& was busy sorting other wedding/honeymoon stuff out in town.
Am down to $36 dollars in my honeymoon account now :eek:
starting to look like two days camping outside warrington now :rolleyes:
Nevermind... I'm sure we'll find something to do :lol:

The music is wonderful Tony :D:D:D
Am making up 4 different mixes.
one is of light social music, plenty of romantic songs of course, for before the wedding. since we'll be bringing people up in a mini bus we'll have guests arriving up to an hour before the wedding so need to keep them mixing.
The next one is the wedding music itself. The 'Bridal march' will be Nocturne as i said with a selection of celtic music played quietly in the background throughout the ceremony.
Then another CD of social, chatty type music, a bit more bouncy than the first CD, to play while people are wandering around eating & chatting.
Then some dance music for later on.
We've got people coming from 8months to 80yrs so I've tried to pick a good mix of music from 50's through to today, but that will fit together well soundwise & not clash.
Putting it together has been more of a challenge than I anticipated, but a lot of fun also & I've rediscovered heaps of songs that i had forgotten about.

Back again... again, had to run off & do stuff sorry :o

Yes, I'd be happy to send you the playlists when I'm done :)
Will probably not be until after the honeymoon though.
Was supposed to be 3 weeks camping... but at current rate I've no idea how long we'll be gone.

Oh, yeah, the drainage ditch :lol:
While flattening the lower section of the backpaddock we knocked down an old shed... type that's only held together by the rot & the rust... you know... type that ends up taking two sledge hammers & frequent use of a jemmy bar to actually knock the damn thing down!
Found a nice section of drystone wall behind it that we never knew we had though :)
& once we lifted the bricks that turned out to be under all the layers of dirt inside the shed, we also found a large quagmire of mud that, even with fill, still kept sinking. That means a drainage ditch...
which John ended up digging last night after he got home from work :o
I was to put the drainage pipe & gravel in it & fill it in today, but since it is persisting down outside will wait until tomorrow I think.
At least we'll find out if it drains well :rolleyes:
But are going to have to close off that end of the bridge on the wedding day.
It was supposed to be a good socialising area... but the job has ended up taking much more work & time than we anticipated.
Is mostly a mess of mud & patches of new grass.
But we put in a raised garden backing onto the Drystone wall (since we're lowering the groundlevel in the area, but couldn't lower it up against the wall it seemed a better idea to shift some rocks out from the front (we have a large stack of them by the driveway at the moment... have to shift them up back as well :rolleyes: ) & make a garden there instead.
put the topsoil we shifted into the garden, all the rest of the dirt is going into the large hole that is still gobbling up everything we can throw at it (including a small hill) & is still not quite up to level. Eventually it will all make a lovely picnic/play area... but not in time for the wedding :p

Thank you Viv :)
I needed to hear that :nod:
xxxxxxxxx & hug :)
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Another Day in ciri's wedding blog :rolleyes:
I couldn't even begin to list all the things we got done tonight,
But they are done :nod:
I won't think about tomorrow yet though :eek:
God I'm f*cked.
We just spent 14 hours out in the garden doing the heavy work.
The most impressive was John's accomplishment.
He built a bloody great stone embankment
Carting all but one of the rocks himself... & they were big motha f*ckers!!!!
You should see the thing, it's incredible! :nod:
Oh, & something funny
we had to put in a fence post for the gate & we only had one bag of concrete
So the post hole had to be aprox one spade's width each side
No room for strechage from the spade as the hole got deeper
so I was digging a 12 inch deep post hole with a trowel :lol:
carting the dirt off by the bucket full (no room for the wheel barrow there) to the rockery where I'd been planting some new plants & had wanted to raise the level of the garden :lol:
Mind you... we did manage to fit the wheel barrow in when we were putting the concrete in,
Can just imagine trying to cart rapid set concrete in by the bucketfull :lol:
Still, even I don't quite believe we managed to get as much done today as we did :eek:
reckon I might spend some time being impressed with myself as well :nod:
Just shows what two people really can achieve if they set their mind to it.
& John had injured his wrist early on too,
carting those rocks I think,
but he still got a sh*t load of work done anyway :nod:
Bloody marvellous! :nod:
Think I'll go & die quietly for a while now though....
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Lunch time at last :D
Just had the Marriage celebrant out here for a rundown of the ceremony & i was waterblasting the path at the time that he arrived (gotta admit I love waterblasting) so i was wearing half the path (some of the bricks are rotten & cant handle the waterblaster but there wasn't time to scrub them with bleach) on my face & was soaked to the waist when he arrived :lol:
Luckily the guy who's doing our ceremony is cool & the soaked to the waist was a concesion to his imminent arrival, I'd spent most of the day so far wandering around in booty shorts that were cut down from a pair of jeans. After lots of wear & tear & washings they have frayed to the point where they're definitely not suitable for public display :lol: :p
But at last we are having some HOT weather... & it is HOT
Now, if it can be like this next week... :nod:
Heading into town as soon as I've finished my lunch to do some last minute shopping,
Still much to do, but not the chaos it's been 'till now.
All the work we got done yesturday has taken a lot of the pressure off :nod:
Better go now... lunch finished, back to work :D
cirianz you are not nuts!
your a woman, you can multi-task!!
worrying is normal!!!
looking forward to seeing the pictures of the big day:D
and above all ENJOY IT!!!!
Thank you feckit :p
It's always nice to be appreciated :nod:

Thanks Murdoch :)
I'm certainly getting to hone my multi-tasking skills :nod:

Spent the morning doing deskwork & housework,
& spent the afternoon out in the garden.
I really had no conception of just exactly what it would mean to hold a wedding at home :eek:
reckon we should've just had a BBQ & gotten married at the same time...
Instead of doing it the other way around (although we had to swap the BBQ for 'fingerfood' anyway when the mate who was going to sell us meat at wholesale opted out)
Much more work this way :wall:
Oh well, I'll remember better next time :lol:

This afternoon I decided to practice(?) my vows.
Just saying them out loud made me cry.
I don't often cry, not for myself anyway.
So I wasn't expecting that.
after all, I'd read the final version outloud to John after I'd finished typing them up.
but it wasn't the same thing at all.
I hope I don't start blubbering at the ceremony :eek: