Just installed an A8V and got it running fine with XP Pro(32b). removed win
drive and installed Suse Linux 10.0 and it ran fine. Went back to XP Pro and
now i get "a network cable is unplugged" msg. I have tried another cable, a
repair install of XP, a clean XP install, reinstalled all lan drivers, and
flashed back down to bios 0218 from 0219. Still dead network. What am I
drive and installed Suse Linux 10.0 and it ran fine. Went back to XP Pro and
now i get "a network cable is unplugged" msg. I have tried another cable, a
repair install of XP, a clean XP install, reinstalled all lan drivers, and
flashed back down to bios 0218 from 0219. Still dead network. What am I