Just installed.
Asus A8V Deluxe/WIFI-G 939 socket which is sometimes very slow at booting.
It gives me the standard black/and white bootup window where you can press
delete to enter bios. It sits there for a long time until it goes on and
displayes harddrives and then start win2000. The bios setting is set to 10%
overklokking. The system is stable in games and gives me just above 6000 in
My settup is.
Windows 2000 with latest service pack.
Bios versjon 1007
CPU: AMD 3000+ winchester( 90nm)
Primary Harddrive: WD Raptor SATA 80 GB 10000rpm
Secondary Harddrive: Seagate 133 utrla ata IDE 120 GB 7500 rpm
Memory: 4*512 mb Corsair TWINX1024-3200XL DDR-DIMM
DVD player: Plextor DVD-spiller IDE 16x/48x
Case with 350W powersupply:Antec SLK3700BQE
GPU:Sapphira Ati Readon x800XT vivo
Asus A8V Deluxe/WIFI-G 939 socket which is sometimes very slow at booting.
It gives me the standard black/and white bootup window where you can press
delete to enter bios. It sits there for a long time until it goes on and
displayes harddrives and then start win2000. The bios setting is set to 10%
overklokking. The system is stable in games and gives me just above 6000 in
My settup is.
Windows 2000 with latest service pack.
Bios versjon 1007
CPU: AMD 3000+ winchester( 90nm)
Primary Harddrive: WD Raptor SATA 80 GB 10000rpm
Secondary Harddrive: Seagate 133 utrla ata IDE 120 GB 7500 rpm
Memory: 4*512 mb Corsair TWINX1024-3200XL DDR-DIMM
DVD player: Plextor DVD-spiller IDE 16x/48x
Case with 350W powersupply:Antec SLK3700BQE
GPU:Sapphira Ati Readon x800XT vivo