I've been working on a spankin new A8N-SLI Deluxe, and cannot get AMD Cool n
Quiet to work. I've loaded all drivers from Asus, and using either the Asus
Cool n Quiet monitor or AMD's, they both show no reduction in processor
speed or voltage. I've tried both the current 1002 bios and the beta
1003.005. Cool & Quiet is enabled in the bios. This board has the latest
nForce4 chipset revison 3. I have installed the processor update on the
Asus CD, and also tried getting the one directly from AMD but it made no
difference. I'm thinking at this point it is broke. I notice that this
mobo doe NOT have AMD certification, but an Asus mobo based on the Via KT890
chipset does. Oddly the KT890 Mobo is not available at least yet, and no
info on it exists on Asus' website.
Anyone else get Cool n Quiet to work on this board or any other nForce4
Athlon 64 3500+ Retail
1024 DDR 400 (512k x2, configured dual channel)
MSI 6600GT 128 PCIe, using nVidia 66.93 drivers (not MSI's)
450 watt Nspire PS
250 gig PATA
XP home SP2
Quiet to work. I've loaded all drivers from Asus, and using either the Asus
Cool n Quiet monitor or AMD's, they both show no reduction in processor
speed or voltage. I've tried both the current 1002 bios and the beta
1003.005. Cool & Quiet is enabled in the bios. This board has the latest
nForce4 chipset revison 3. I have installed the processor update on the
Asus CD, and also tried getting the one directly from AMD but it made no
difference. I'm thinking at this point it is broke. I notice that this
mobo doe NOT have AMD certification, but an Asus mobo based on the Via KT890
chipset does. Oddly the KT890 Mobo is not available at least yet, and no
info on it exists on Asus' website.
Anyone else get Cool n Quiet to work on this board or any other nForce4
Athlon 64 3500+ Retail
1024 DDR 400 (512k x2, configured dual channel)
MSI 6600GT 128 PCIe, using nVidia 66.93 drivers (not MSI's)
450 watt Nspire PS
250 gig PATA
XP home SP2