Philip G
The story so far:
I've had my mobo a good six months or so now without problems. However,
recently I discovered that Line In wasn't connecting both l&r channels
(only the right). I couldn't fix that (tried latest nVidia drivers etc),
so I decided instead to install an old SoundBlaster Live PCI card, and
use that for recording stereo. My PC *hated* the Live card, and many
BSODs later, I decided to remove the Live card, and use something else to
record sound. Ugh. So I remove the Live card. Rebooted... All seemed
fine - then I got a MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION crash. Didn't catch the
Since then my machine won't boot at all. When I switch the power on, the
mobo green led is on, all the fans spin, and the harddisks seem to power
up. The screen flashes very briefly (indicating some sort of connection)
but no image. There is no "beep" from the mobo at all. On one occasion
when I removed the power cables from the HDDs I did get as far as the
BIOS screen - but since then, with or without HDDs connected, nada. No
beeps, no synthesized voice warnings.
I've tried switching the memory modules around. Normally I have 4x 512Mb
RAM modules. I've tried various combinations of 1, 2 and 4, with no
luck. None at all, or two next to each other (incorrect positions) cause
long intermittent beeps from the mobo on powerup. Similarly, if I remove
the one PCI-E card I have (a GeForce 6600GT), I get a long beep on
powerup. Unfortunately I don't have any other PCI-E or PCI graphics
cards to test.
My power supply should be ample. It is an Antec 550W unit.
My mobo seems to be relatively free of dust. I tried a couple of times
reseting the BIOS by taking out the battery & temporarily moving the
BIOS-clear jumper, but that made no difference.
Anyone got any bright ideas?! I'm at my wit's end here! :-(
- Philip
P.S. I've already exacted my revenge on the SoundBlaster Live card with a
hammer. It was some small consolation!
I've had my mobo a good six months or so now without problems. However,
recently I discovered that Line In wasn't connecting both l&r channels
(only the right). I couldn't fix that (tried latest nVidia drivers etc),
so I decided instead to install an old SoundBlaster Live PCI card, and
use that for recording stereo. My PC *hated* the Live card, and many
BSODs later, I decided to remove the Live card, and use something else to
record sound. Ugh. So I remove the Live card. Rebooted... All seemed
fine - then I got a MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION crash. Didn't catch the
Since then my machine won't boot at all. When I switch the power on, the
mobo green led is on, all the fans spin, and the harddisks seem to power
up. The screen flashes very briefly (indicating some sort of connection)
but no image. There is no "beep" from the mobo at all. On one occasion
when I removed the power cables from the HDDs I did get as far as the
BIOS screen - but since then, with or without HDDs connected, nada. No
beeps, no synthesized voice warnings.
I've tried switching the memory modules around. Normally I have 4x 512Mb
RAM modules. I've tried various combinations of 1, 2 and 4, with no
luck. None at all, or two next to each other (incorrect positions) cause
long intermittent beeps from the mobo on powerup. Similarly, if I remove
the one PCI-E card I have (a GeForce 6600GT), I get a long beep on
powerup. Unfortunately I don't have any other PCI-E or PCI graphics
cards to test.
My power supply should be ample. It is an Antec 550W unit.
My mobo seems to be relatively free of dust. I tried a couple of times
reseting the BIOS by taking out the battery & temporarily moving the
BIOS-clear jumper, but that made no difference.
Anyone got any bright ideas?! I'm at my wit's end here! :-(
- Philip
P.S. I've already exacted my revenge on the SoundBlaster Live card with a
hammer. It was some small consolation!