=|[ R45six's ]|= said:
I havent had any mysterious beeping or crashing for 4 days now
Wasn't there a virus that was supposed to beep at various intervals this
week ?
Ta - thats an email attached virus, which I/most of us

wouldnt get
caught out by. Most viruses/trojans ive seen (just a couple) appear
conveniently in the process monitor and trigger my firewall. There is a
nasty rare kind which might get installed along with drivers, that
antivirus and debuggers cant spot at all, unless they can scan the disk
from a separate, uninfected OS installation -and know what theyre looking
A keylogger I ran accidently on another machine last week, hid from
taskmanager but was caught out by sysinternals process explorer.
I think the tricky threat is from code which can slip in through the
network and take advantage of unpatched, unfiltered or newly discovered
holes in common windows network services, or common listening programs like
messengers & media players. They can get executed by taking advantage of
possible circumstances which developers once routinely overlooked (until
virus writers enlightened them

- like buffer overruns.
It was driving me crazy getting this *unlogged* beep every once a while and
having an unstable machine which was improved but not cured by
underclocking - but now Ive deleted the old installation, Ill never know if
something nasty was doing it, or maybe the Bios itself was slightly