A7V8X won't boot at proper CPU frequency

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


I recently purchased a new A7V8X motherboard and cannot boot when I set the
CPU to the rated frequency.

Pertinent specs:
Asus "A7V8X" motherboard (sata, audio, gigalan, firewire)
AMD AthlonXP 1800+ (Palimino, 1533MHz)
ATI Radeon 8500LE 64meg
PC2100 ram, 3 - 256meg sticks

Whenever I try to boot up at the rated 1533MHz that the cpu is rated for,
the computer hangs / goes into a reboot loop. The computer is able to post
and go through the pci devices. As soon as it tries to boot from any disk,
that's when the computer hangs. This happens regardless of when I have all
3 hard drives, 3 optical drives, and pci cards - or when it's just the cpu,
1 stick of ram, video card, and booting from a dos boot floppy. Also, I am
able to play around in the bios for as long as I want without instability.
I was finally able to get it to boot when I set the frequency to the next
lower step that the factory set multiplier allows (1133MHz). This seems to
be fairly stable; at least enough to install WinXP and run the computer for
a while. Only one system hang when I was running a whole bunch of programs,
which I think was the culprit.
I've mostly tried just the default settings as I figured they would be the
most conservative. I've tried to tone down some performance settings with
no avail; but since I'm not too well versed in the ways of bios settings.
I'm sooooo frustrated right now. Please help!!!

First make sure that the motherboard is compatible with that cpu
then.....check the memory speed maybe tone down the fsb.
I have the same frustration but it is not a permanent problem. After about
three months of almost faultless operation I started to have the start up
problem. It will probably occur one out of every five bootups from cold. A
touch on the front reset button solves the problem and the computer then
goes through the full cycle and boots up.

My set up is a little different but not appreciably so.
XP 2600+XP running at 2083mhz
Asus GeForce FX5200 126mb
PC2700 256MB DDR x 2
Units runs stable at 48C/34C with four case fans and one processor fan -
quiet too.

The boot up problem is a pain though. I have gone through all of the
standard clean ups and try to keep my computer as clean of adware as I can.
Because the problem is intermittent and solved by just a touch on the reset
button I'm at a loss myself. I'm beginning to suspect a problem in the PSU
but when it's running all the voltages seem to be correct and stable. I
look forward to hearing how other users have solved the problem.

Michael Bird
Please ignore my posting. I was trying to reply to a previous posting
concerning a boot up problem and made a mistake. Sorry.
Asus' site lists my processor as one that is compatible with this board, so
I don't think that's the problem.
this board doesn't support dual channel ram. I have tried running with just
one dimm in the first bank (as well as banks 1+2, and all 3, loaded up) with
no success.
Strangley I've started having this same problem too. A7v266e with
xp1800+ aswell. Works fine at 100fsb, but loops to hell and back at
133fsb. I can't pin it down either.

Occasionally my pc will run fine all day at 133fsb other times it
refuses to boot at anything but 100fsb.

This has to be an asus motherboard fault IMHO.
I'm just upgrading from an A7V266-E that was working fine with everything
else in this setup. Can't even get it to boot once @ 133MHz fsb.
1. Make sure that you are running the latest BIOS update from Asus (it's
1007, since I have the same board)

2. Remove all PCI cards that are attached, just leave your video card, to
make sure that there are no possible conflictions.

3. Only use one stick of ram.

4. If it still does not work, after trying 1-3, you may have to have the
board replaced.
If toning down the fsb does not work check for leaking capacitors and also
make sure you have latest bios flashed.
I've acutally flashed with bios revision 1013. Which fixes some problem
with the built in lan / audio. Not sure which board you have. I jumped
through all of the hoops you suggested when I first installed the board as
logical procedure would dictate. I just haven't gone to the bother of doing
so after the bios flash. I did the bios flash after installing everything,
since I needed to to be able to download the new bios. Would it really be
at all worth while to try and test barebone with just an updated bios?

I'm just upgrading from an A7V266-E that was working >fine with everything
else in this setup. Can't even get it to boot once @ >133MHz fsb.
This may sound just stupid. But I've noticed playing with another Asus
mobo, that as I raise fsb, leaving other parameters unchanged, I reach a fsb
it won't boot at. Figured it was past cpu's max, but just for the heck of
it, I RAISED the fsb a notch or 2 more, and it booted & ran fine. Can you
adjust cpu voltage a tad?
I've read of some Asus mobos refusing to boot at 133, but boot and run
happily at 138fsb--these were A7N8X's IIRC. It won't cost but a few
minutes, and you just may solve your problem by climbing to a higher &
happier plane!!! HTH & good luck. sdlomi