I am building 20 to 30 PC's a year, normally with good results.
My last project: A A7V600 board in a beautifull Chieftec case.
Switched it on and the BIOS said 'CPU speed: 1300 Mhz.'.
That's too low, I thought for a AMD 2700+. I put it higher
(dont remember the figure it offered 2500?) and rebooted.
Dead. No sign of life. Except for the green light on the board.
I cleared the CMOS three times, ripped out all cables, exchanged
memory, to no avail.
I got a new board in the shop and exchanged it. Again the BIOS
showed 1300. Now, I didn't want to make the same thing happen twice,
so I left it that way for the time being.Started installing XP, which stopped
the install because it couldn't find de SATA drive. Stupid me, let's quickly
make a floppy with the third party drivers....
Booted the machine, and............... NOTHING. Dead again. Exactly
the same as the first board.
Exchanged memory, pulled out all cables, nothing but the damned green light.
Is there a whole batch of A7V600 rotten or what could be going on?
Power supply blowing up the board? Expensive brandnew Chieftec case...
And why does it boot just one time?
I am building 20 to 30 PC's a year, normally with good results.
My last project: A A7V600 board in a beautifull Chieftec case.
Switched it on and the BIOS said 'CPU speed: 1300 Mhz.'.
That's too low, I thought for a AMD 2700+. I put it higher
(dont remember the figure it offered 2500?) and rebooted.
Dead. No sign of life. Except for the green light on the board.
I cleared the CMOS three times, ripped out all cables, exchanged
memory, to no avail.
I got a new board in the shop and exchanged it. Again the BIOS
showed 1300. Now, I didn't want to make the same thing happen twice,
so I left it that way for the time being.Started installing XP, which stopped
the install because it couldn't find de SATA drive. Stupid me, let's quickly
make a floppy with the third party drivers....
Booted the machine, and............... NOTHING. Dead again. Exactly
the same as the first board.
Exchanged memory, pulled out all cables, nothing but the damned green light.
Is there a whole batch of A7V600 rotten or what could be going on?
Power supply blowing up the board? Expensive brandnew Chieftec case...
And why does it boot just one time?