Thomas Wendell
My PC has problems when using 2nd HD. It works OK under WinXPpro (I think,
haven't stress tested), but I want to use it as a backup disk with
DriveImage 2002 and here the problems start (also under Linux). When making
a image, I naturally have to reboot to let DI load the DOS-version to backup
the C- and E-drive (E because my TEMP-env variable is set to E:\TEMP). Ok,
so far everything works, but about 15-20 min into the imagining my PC starts
to sound like an emergency vehicle (you know, uu-aa-uu-aa-uu-aa-uu at least
in Finland). It continues on, but that sound is NOT something I want to
listen to nighttime (when making my image). I'm just asking, any ideas??
(I can't check the temp when doing this, but if I exit DI and boot back to
XP, DriveHealth shows it as 42degrees C (about 105F??).
Under winXP it usually is at 39-41 degrees.
Cpu runs at 57degC, system at 41 and 1st HD at 40-41degrees, so I don't
think it's overheating). It is in a removable cradle with its own fan.
It's running with UDMA5, as my mobo can't(?) do more than that.
And the sound is definitely coming from the system, I guess it's the
S.M.A.R.T. monitoring the BIOS is doing.
The drive in question is a Seagate ST380011A 80GB disk, new as of 1 week (it
started straight away) ago
(exchanged on warranty for this problem)
HD0 is an internal Samsung SV1203N 120GB
System is: (HW) ASUS A7V133-C m/b (BIOS 1009), Athlon (T-bird) 1.2 GHz(FSB
100MHz), 384MB (SDRAM @133MHZ), 120+80GB HDs(primary IDE), DVD and
CD-RW(sec. IDE), GF2MX (32MB), Creative SB Live!Value, D-Link
NetNic(DRN-32TX),235W power supply (I know, I know, too puny), ADSL=ZyXEL
OS=Win98SE_fi, all updates (incl. IE6SP1)
Any help would be appreciated, as I really don't like the sound of an
emergency vehicle when I'm trying to sleep....
(It's usually some 3 to 4 hours the imagining takes)
More info (and a guess)
I did run the test (SeaTools) both with SMART enabled or disabled in BIOS.
The test goes through w/o errors (as seen from log), but it also "generates"
this same sound after about the same time (~20min). Now I've started
thinking (with what?) :
SMART (or DriveHealth) is reporting errors in Raw Read Error Rate, Seek
Error Rate and Hardware ECC Recovered
But has these HAVE to be from the disk itself? Is it possible for the
chipset southbridge to be about to go south (
)? (Chipset VIA KT133A, NB
and SB 686B).Mobo was bought on 07.01.2002 (ddmmyyyy).
But why don't I get this same problem under Windows, just when accessing the
drive under Linux or DriveImage (I have no other means I can think of to
test this, I had the swap-file (pagefile.sys) on it, but no error). I'm
about to move one of my partitions from HDD-0 to HDD-1 to
test. Didn't matter..
(No, I can NOT afford a new PC or mobo/processor/memory-combination, and I'm
not wild about the idea of changing only the MB. It'd be outmoded when I
bought it. I'm unemployed)
Still looking for ideas/solutions
Below is output from SeaTools.exe
No errors detected (same as the previus HD) as seen from log:
DIAGATA.EXE Version 3.07.30214ML
Copyright (c) 2002 by Seagate Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
Timer Resolution: 0.000131
Short Test Begin: 20-Apr-2004 06:59:54
Cable Test - 0 Errors
Buffer Test - 0 Errors
Identify Data
Model Number: ST380011A
Serial Number: 5JV6A4GC
Firmware Revision: 3.06
Default CHS: 16383-16-63
Current CHS: 16383-16-63
Current Capacity: 16514064 Sectors
Total Capacity: 156301488 Sectors
80 Conductor Cable Reported
ID Method: Jumper
SMART Check: Passed
Outer Diameter Scan (0 to 65025) - Passed
Elapsed Time: 30.02s
Estimated Internal Transfer Rates
Min: 35.48Mb/s Max: 347.05Mb/s Avg: 307.56Mb/s
Inner Diameter Scan (156268976 to 156301488) - Passed
Elapsed Time: 15.07s
Estimated Internal Transfer Rates
Min: 35.32Mb/s Max: 347.05Mb/s Avg: 296.97Mb/s
Random Seek (128 Cycles) - Passed
Estimated Access Times
Min: 4.449ms Max: 19.235ms Avg: 11.753ms
Random Read (128 Cycles) - Passed
Estimated Access Times
Min: 6.804ms Max: 27.872ms Avg: 17.908ms
PIO/DMA Data Compare
Total Bytes = 3346432
Estimated PIO Transfer Rates
Min: 2.97MB/s Max: 3.07MB/s Avg: 3.03MB/s
Estimated DMA Transfer Rates
Min: 74.34MB/s Max: 99.12MB/s Avg: 74.56MB/s
SMART Check: Passed
Short Test Passed: 20-Apr-2004 07:01:16
Scanning sectors...
Performing Complete Surface Scan on drive: ST380011A
Scan Completed... NO PROBLEMS FOUND
Reply to group
Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)
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Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)
haven't stress tested), but I want to use it as a backup disk with
DriveImage 2002 and here the problems start (also under Linux). When making
a image, I naturally have to reboot to let DI load the DOS-version to backup
the C- and E-drive (E because my TEMP-env variable is set to E:\TEMP). Ok,
so far everything works, but about 15-20 min into the imagining my PC starts
to sound like an emergency vehicle (you know, uu-aa-uu-aa-uu-aa-uu at least
in Finland). It continues on, but that sound is NOT something I want to
listen to nighttime (when making my image). I'm just asking, any ideas??
(I can't check the temp when doing this, but if I exit DI and boot back to
XP, DriveHealth shows it as 42degrees C (about 105F??).
Under winXP it usually is at 39-41 degrees.
Cpu runs at 57degC, system at 41 and 1st HD at 40-41degrees, so I don't
think it's overheating). It is in a removable cradle with its own fan.
It's running with UDMA5, as my mobo can't(?) do more than that.
And the sound is definitely coming from the system, I guess it's the
S.M.A.R.T. monitoring the BIOS is doing.
The drive in question is a Seagate ST380011A 80GB disk, new as of 1 week (it
started straight away) ago
(exchanged on warranty for this problem)
HD0 is an internal Samsung SV1203N 120GB
System is: (HW) ASUS A7V133-C m/b (BIOS 1009), Athlon (T-bird) 1.2 GHz(FSB
100MHz), 384MB (SDRAM @133MHZ), 120+80GB HDs(primary IDE), DVD and
CD-RW(sec. IDE), GF2MX (32MB), Creative SB Live!Value, D-Link
NetNic(DRN-32TX),235W power supply (I know, I know, too puny), ADSL=ZyXEL
OS=Win98SE_fi, all updates (incl. IE6SP1)
Any help would be appreciated, as I really don't like the sound of an
emergency vehicle when I'm trying to sleep....
(It's usually some 3 to 4 hours the imagining takes)
More info (and a guess)
I did run the test (SeaTools) both with SMART enabled or disabled in BIOS.
The test goes through w/o errors (as seen from log), but it also "generates"
this same sound after about the same time (~20min). Now I've started
thinking (with what?) :
SMART (or DriveHealth) is reporting errors in Raw Read Error Rate, Seek
Error Rate and Hardware ECC Recovered
But has these HAVE to be from the disk itself? Is it possible for the
chipset southbridge to be about to go south (

and SB 686B).Mobo was bought on 07.01.2002 (ddmmyyyy).
But why don't I get this same problem under Windows, just when accessing the
drive under Linux or DriveImage (I have no other means I can think of to
test this, I had the swap-file (pagefile.sys) on it, but no error). I'm
about to move one of my partitions from HDD-0 to HDD-1 to
test. Didn't matter..
(No, I can NOT afford a new PC or mobo/processor/memory-combination, and I'm
not wild about the idea of changing only the MB. It'd be outmoded when I
bought it. I'm unemployed)
Still looking for ideas/solutions
Below is output from SeaTools.exe
No errors detected (same as the previus HD) as seen from log:
DIAGATA.EXE Version 3.07.30214ML
Copyright (c) 2002 by Seagate Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
Timer Resolution: 0.000131
Short Test Begin: 20-Apr-2004 06:59:54
Cable Test - 0 Errors
Buffer Test - 0 Errors
Identify Data
Model Number: ST380011A
Serial Number: 5JV6A4GC
Firmware Revision: 3.06
Default CHS: 16383-16-63
Current CHS: 16383-16-63
Current Capacity: 16514064 Sectors
Total Capacity: 156301488 Sectors
80 Conductor Cable Reported
ID Method: Jumper
SMART Check: Passed
Outer Diameter Scan (0 to 65025) - Passed
Elapsed Time: 30.02s
Estimated Internal Transfer Rates
Min: 35.48Mb/s Max: 347.05Mb/s Avg: 307.56Mb/s
Inner Diameter Scan (156268976 to 156301488) - Passed
Elapsed Time: 15.07s
Estimated Internal Transfer Rates
Min: 35.32Mb/s Max: 347.05Mb/s Avg: 296.97Mb/s
Random Seek (128 Cycles) - Passed
Estimated Access Times
Min: 4.449ms Max: 19.235ms Avg: 11.753ms
Random Read (128 Cycles) - Passed
Estimated Access Times
Min: 6.804ms Max: 27.872ms Avg: 17.908ms
PIO/DMA Data Compare
Total Bytes = 3346432
Estimated PIO Transfer Rates
Min: 2.97MB/s Max: 3.07MB/s Avg: 3.03MB/s
Estimated DMA Transfer Rates
Min: 74.34MB/s Max: 99.12MB/s Avg: 74.56MB/s
SMART Check: Passed
Short Test Passed: 20-Apr-2004 07:01:16
Scanning sectors...
Performing Complete Surface Scan on drive: ST380011A
Scan Completed... NO PROBLEMS FOUND
Reply to group
Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)
Reply to group
Most learned here on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove NO _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)