Removed a 900MHz Thunderbird and put in an XP2400.
Running Win98SE with 512MB PC-133 SDram (2-256MB sticks--also tried
using each stick seperately)
Adjusted the FSB to 133 (BIOS method) and it won't boot into
Win98SE.(also tried 138MHz).
Tried setting the FSB to 100MHz and it didn't make any difference
except that the cpu speed was in the 1400MHz range.
The first screen says it is running around 2000 MHz. It doesn't quite
get to the 'starting Windows' line and it just freezes up and the Off
button needs to be pushed (control-alt-del doesn't work). You then
have to turn off the switch on the PSU and turn it back on again to
get it to boot up at all.
CPU temp is around 44C.
It boots into DOS . It will not boot into Safe Mode either. Worked
fine just before shutting down with the old 900.
The BIOS is 1004, could that be the problem?
Tried the Load Defaults and it didn't help.
PSU is a 300w model.
Floppy drive and cd burner were also disconnected to see if it made
any difference. None.
What else to try.
Suggestions appreciated.
Running Win98SE with 512MB PC-133 SDram (2-256MB sticks--also tried
using each stick seperately)
Adjusted the FSB to 133 (BIOS method) and it won't boot into
Win98SE.(also tried 138MHz).
Tried setting the FSB to 100MHz and it didn't make any difference
except that the cpu speed was in the 1400MHz range.
The first screen says it is running around 2000 MHz. It doesn't quite
get to the 'starting Windows' line and it just freezes up and the Off
button needs to be pushed (control-alt-del doesn't work). You then
have to turn off the switch on the PSU and turn it back on again to
get it to boot up at all.
CPU temp is around 44C.
It boots into DOS . It will not boot into Safe Mode either. Worked
fine just before shutting down with the old 900.
The BIOS is 1004, could that be the problem?
Tried the Load Defaults and it didn't help.
PSU is a 300w model.
Floppy drive and cd burner were also disconnected to see if it made
any difference. None.
What else to try.
Suggestions appreciated.