A7V-E, problem with DMA (Burning Dvds)

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I'm having trouble burning Dvds with DMA enabled on my Pioneer 105
drive, After around 50% burn I get a windows protection error, No
error code just a blue screen.
I asked for help in a dvd specific group and was given the following

"Check the mother board maker's site for updated drivers.There may be
a required IDE controller pack.
Also if you can find the make of the mother board/chip set use your
News group list and look for the appropriate group as there will be
someone who most likely has a specific fix.
On an older system I had to run a DMA patch for win98 to get full DMA
which was obtained from the mother board maker's site or the mother
board chip maker's site."

System info
Windows ME
1.2 amd
256 ram

Any help appreciated
Problem #1: winME :P
What Bios, and what drivers are you using?
It could be bad ram also.
Other than that, are you using the VIA 4-in-1 drivers? If so, the IDE
(ATAPI) drivers they include are crap, so uninstall the IDE drivers,
and stick with the MS default ones.
System info? No, check BIOS version on POST.
Check ram with memtest86 from memtest86.com.
re-run the install util, and select remove.

In systen info, Bios is version6
I upgraded the 4 in 1 drivers yesterday.
How can I check for bad ram?
Also how do I uninstall the IDE drivers

Cheers Steve

Problem #1: winME :P
What Bios, and what drivers are you using?
It could be bad ram also.
Other than that, are you using the VIA 4-in-1 drivers? If so, the IDE
(ATAPI) drivers they include are crap, so uninstall the IDE drivers,
and stick with the MS default ones.

I'm having trouble burning Dvds with DMA enabled on my Pioneer 105
drive, After around 50% burn I get a windows protection error, No
error code just a blue screen.
I asked for help in a dvd specific group and was given the following

System info
Windows ME
1.2 amd
256 ram

Any help appreciated