when I boot, the system will go to the BIOS setup screen with a Message
dialog saying the Intrusion Detection sensed the computer was opened.
Of course, it wasn't. I've reset the jumper for the switch (because
there is not actually a switch), replaced the CMOS battery, and
generally tried everything I can think of. It first happened months
ago, and when I exited the BIOS setup, it rebooted fine. Then it
happened again, requiring a couple restarts to get past the BIOS setup.
Now, it seems to take 30 plus attempts before it will skip the BIOS
setup. Any ideas on how to fix? I'm afraid it's just a matter of time
until it won't boot period... Isn't there any way to "force" past the
BIOS setup? Seems like a stupid reason for a motherboard to be rendered