
  • Thread starter Thread starter JW
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I have some problems. I have an A7V-266E mobo, with an Athlon XP 1600+ and
1.2GB of 2100 DDR RAM. I also have 4 Maxtor HD's 2-30's a 60 and an 80GB,
this machine has run fine for well over a year since i built it. This
weekend, I was running activesync with my Axim and the computer decided to
reboot in the middle of the sync, no big deal, but it trashed the registry
when it did it. I have re-installed XP Pro more than 10 times this weekend
and it still does the same thing, spontaneous reboots that destroy the
registry. I have scanned 3 times with different virus software, no
infection. I have also formatted all drives NTFS long format just in case
and it still does it. Could an IDE controller be going bad? Or something
else on the board? thanks

A few things to try.

Rum Memtest86 to test the memory. Check you power supply, I use
MotherBoard Monitor, check heat sink/fans for CPU, chipset and video
card. Reseat all cables, cards and memory, Look in the System event logs
and see if you find errors to point you in the right direction. Get
utilities from hard drive makers and test drives, these utils will also do
basic controller test.
Right on! when the computer crashes and the registry is trashed, its time to
check the memory as a start.
Ok, thanks for the input, here's the story now. I ran docmemory last night,
my 256 board failed every test. I downloaded memtest86 today and started it
before I left for work. When I got home there was the "blue screen" of
death with a Stop error, type 000000008 or something along those lines,
don't know how long the machine ran the memtest after I started it, but the
last thing in the log was about 1 1/2 hours after I left and it was not
related to a crash. After the blue screen, I rebooted and so far it's
working ok. I am writing this message on it now. I have virus scanned this
thing until I'm blue in the face. All the cooling fans are working except
the one on the chipset, so I replaced that. Voltages are looking good so
far with motherboard monitor. Is there a program that will let me test the
power supply without taking it out of the system? I can do that if it's

Forgot to put in, I pulled the 256 RAM board and am now running 2 Samsung
512's. Computer is acting funny, mouse hesitates a lot like there is
activity in the background, but no crash as of yet.............JW
Motherboard monitor has a logging feature that will log to a text , html or
other file format. I like the html. Set it up to log all of the voltages,
CPU temp and case temp. Set the period rather short, about ever 5 seconds.
Set the max # of entries to 999. Run the machine for a while and then check
the log. The High / Low function from the settings window is also helpful.
If you have a good supply the voltages should be near Spec. and not vary
around alot.
I have MBM installed and running, the main voltage is showing some rather
impressive swings from somewhere in the 11 volt range to nearly 14. I also
installed ASUS probe which is showing the same problem and giving me warning
messages and sounds about the voltage. I am going out and buying a new
power supply, will write back when it's installed, probably won't be until
Thursday. Thanks for your help.

Ok, here's an update, new power supply is in, reloaded windows again since
I'm so proficient at it now, the final word is, all systems go. Crazy how a
small deviance in voltage can shaft an entire system. I would never have
believed it for a minute. Thanks for all your help I'll be hanging out in
here for a long time, nice group so far. Thanks again.

Glad to hear your up and running. That was really quite a swing from 11 to
nearly 14 volts. Was your memory realy bad or is it ok with the good
supply ?
Not real sure if the memory is bad yet, I'm going to build up another small
system and try it in there with docmemory for a night. I don't want to risk
putting a bad board back in here and blowing up my install again. I finally
have it back to where I like it. I'll let ya know. Thanks.