A7N8X XP 2400

  • Thread starter Thread starter alan buckley
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alan buckley

Setting up the procesor on this board, It gives the option of 100, 133 166
and 200 for system bus speeds. I set it to 133 and it gives me a multiplyer
of 15x=1995mhz. Why is it if I set it any higher then 133 the multiplyer
remains the same at 15x? I would like to raise the bus speed and lower the
multiplyer would I not? Any help woul be appreciated
alan buckley said:
Setting up the procesor on this board, It gives the option of 100, 133 166
and 200 for system bus speeds. I set it to 133 and it gives me a multiplyer
of 15x=1995mhz. Why is it if I set it any higher then 133 the multiplyer
remains the same at 15x? I would like to raise the bus speed and lower the
multiplyer would I not? Any help woul be appreciated
Play around with the setting just above the multiplier reading(IIRC,
that is where it is. Mine is not the Deluxe, but betting it's quite similar
here.) Set it to "User Define". Then, move down to the mult-line and
change it to whatever value you choose, using the "+" and "-" keys. Same
with fsb-settings--only certain, finite choices when in "Automatic" or
"Optimal" or whatever; however, change your controls accordingly to "User
Define" for fsb adjustment, and you can get 100, 101, 102, ........133, 134,
135, .........all the way up to ~220, 230, 240? via 1-MHZ INCREMENTS!!!
Even better than you thought, huh? I love my board, & hope this helps you
enjoy yours more also. sdlomi (Merry Christmas!)
I took your advice, mostly all is fine except the highest I can get it is
210x9.5, much further and it wont boot, I am still keeping cpu speed in
around 1995mhz. Should I be able to bring this higher?
alan buckley said:
I took your advice, mostly all is fine except the highest I can get it is
210x9.5, much further and it wont boot, I am still keeping cpu speed in
around 1995mhz. Should I be able to bring this higher?
I'd think it will do better. Try slowing down the fsb and raising the
multiplier. Strangely, some cpu's will run at a higher multiplier than a
lower one it refused to boot at. Example: my 2100 runs fine at 17X134=2.28,
but will not boot at 13.5X166=2.17. It will also run at 13X182=2.37, but I
had to raise the cpu voltage higher than I liked. Jot down your figures and
creep up a little at the time to reach max. stable & then back down one
notch-----should run happily there. Mine seems happiest at 13X167=2.17 with
cpu voltage merely upped from 1.6 to 1.625.
Confused? Don't be. Sounds like your system will do 210 or better fsb.
Now, lower your fsb a good bit and see how high the multiplier will go.
Then try various combos in-between and get that chip happy at a good bit
faster than the 1995-range. Watch temperatures as you experiment--esp. as
you up the cpu voltage. BTW, with a given setting of fsb & mult., I'd not
raise cpu volts over say, 0.025 at the time. Dunno its default volts, but a
rule of thumb might be to find the sweet spot where the fsb is not much over
10% over default. Others run theirs more than 10% over, but use VERY
efficient coolers.
Hope my guessing will help. Obviously, I'm a newbie too. Maybe too
conservative. But I don't like to burn/tear up things. Email if you
wish--remove the obvious. sam
alan buckley said:
I took your advice, mostly all is fine except the highest I can get it is
210x9.5, much further and it wont boot, I am still keeping cpu speed in
around 1995mhz. Should I be able to bring this higher?
Just looked up your [email protected] cpu volts. Try, like 15X138
at default voltage & play solitaire a while. Browse a little. Then try
15X142--------15X144---------------15X148, etc., playing simple games
in-between. When it won't boot at the next increment, try again, but after
upping cpu volts to 1.675(I think that's the next one above your 1.65
default). Should boot. If so, continue upping fsb a little at the time.
And move cpu volts up to max of approx. 1.750-1.775--remembering to check
temps each time. When it won't boot any more, try reducing mult. and creep
up the fsb again. Then, whole process again.
If you can get up to around 190-200 with a mult of 11-12, you'll feel it
quicker & snappier than at 15X133.
Also, repost with more specific question in subject & you'll get more
and better responders. Regards, sam