alan buckley said:
I took your advice, mostly all is fine except the highest I can get it is
210x9.5, much further and it wont boot, I am still keeping cpu speed in
around 1995mhz. Should I be able to bring this higher?
I'd think it will do better. Try slowing down the fsb and raising the
multiplier. Strangely, some cpu's will run at a higher multiplier than a
lower one it refused to boot at. Example: my 2100 runs fine at 17X134=2.28,
but will not boot at 13.5X166=2.17. It will also run at 13X182=2.37, but I
had to raise the cpu voltage higher than I liked. Jot down your figures and
creep up a little at the time to reach max. stable & then back down one
notch-----should run happily there. Mine seems happiest at 13X167=2.17 with
cpu voltage merely upped from 1.6 to 1.625.
Confused? Don't be. Sounds like your system will do 210 or better fsb.
Now, lower your fsb a good bit and see how high the multiplier will go.
Then try various combos in-between and get that chip happy at a good bit
faster than the 1995-range. Watch temperatures as you experiment--esp. as
you up the cpu voltage. BTW, with a given setting of fsb & mult., I'd not
raise cpu volts over say, 0.025 at the time. Dunno its default volts, but a
rule of thumb might be to find the sweet spot where the fsb is not much over
10% over default. Others run theirs more than 10% over, but use VERY
efficient coolers.
Hope my guessing will help. Obviously, I'm a newbie too. Maybe too
conservative. But I don't like to burn/tear up things. Email if you
wish--remove the obvious. sam