The 3c920 uses the same drivers as the 3c905. Just create a NDIS2 or PD disk for the 3c905.
3COM offers both NDIS2 and PD drivers.
| |
| I want to use either the 3COM Ethernet and/or the USB 2.0 ports to image
| between two A7N8X Deluxe motherboards.
| When I have setup a boot floppy in the past for the 3COM or USB ports,
| Ghost has not reconizied the 3COM 3C920B-EMB or the USB 2.0 ports even
| though I use the ethernet daily and use USB 2.0 with XP.
| TIA,
| Hal
| > I have never had any luck with Norton Ghost 2003 and 2004 ethernet and
| > USB drivers working on the A7N8X. If you have had luck and have a work
| > around, please post it here.
| >
| > TIA,
| >
| > Hal
| >
| >
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