Technical I.T. Ltd
A7N8X-E deluxe
After frying my CPU (so much for Asus COP). I'm now one step further.
I have an ATi Radeon 8500 64mb, problem is booting up get voice saying
"System failed VGA test".
AFAIK the AGP card is 1.5v (the card is a AGP 4x), worked fine in the old
mobo, hell works fine in my other computer ! Even swapped cards (other
computer has an 8500 too) still the same ! Would try different AGP card but
the only other one I have is a Matrox G400 which I know is 2x so is likely
to be 3.3v ...
I've put in an old PCI card and I get boot. In the Bios I disabled 8x
support and change to use AGP graphics, still get system failed message.
The bios is 1008 which is the newest on the Asus site.
Any ideas ?
After frying my CPU (so much for Asus COP). I'm now one step further.
I have an ATi Radeon 8500 64mb, problem is booting up get voice saying
"System failed VGA test".
AFAIK the AGP card is 1.5v (the card is a AGP 4x), worked fine in the old
mobo, hell works fine in my other computer ! Even swapped cards (other
computer has an 8500 too) still the same ! Would try different AGP card but
the only other one I have is a Matrox G400 which I know is 2x so is likely
to be 3.3v ...
I've put in an old PCI card and I get boot. In the Bios I disabled 8x
support and change to use AGP graphics, still get system failed message.
The bios is 1008 which is the newest on the Asus site.
Any ideas ?