Just a few observations and questions here. The CPU temp is measured from a
sensor under the socket. Doesn't the Barton CPU have a thermal diode? If
not, Asus could have used a sensor that touches the chip. I also noticed
that the case temp changes in 7 deg. F steps.
Is anyone using Q-Fan? It sounds like a good idea but it just doesn't work.
The only fan controlled by it is the CPU fan but it doesn't use the CPU temp
to regulate it. It doesn't use the case sensor either. Any idea where the
temp sensor is for it? When I put the side (which has a fan)on my case, the
case temp sensor goes down but the fan speed goes up.
sensor under the socket. Doesn't the Barton CPU have a thermal diode? If
not, Asus could have used a sensor that touches the chip. I also noticed
that the case temp changes in 7 deg. F steps.
Is anyone using Q-Fan? It sounds like a good idea but it just doesn't work.
The only fan controlled by it is the CPU fan but it doesn't use the CPU temp
to regulate it. It doesn't use the case sensor either. Any idea where the
temp sensor is for it? When I put the side (which has a fan)on my case, the
case temp sensor goes down but the fan speed goes up.