I have a A7N8X-DLX MB, XP+2500 (333 mhz) and a 512 MB Samsung (PC3200,
Which is the best/optimal setting for this ? It doesn't matter that I
overclock the CPU a bit, the cooling system is very good (around 43-46
degrees no matter the load on the CPU)
If it's an unlocked CPU you should be able to change the multiplier in
the BIOS (set to user defined modes), seems a lot of guys (with 2500+
and PC3200 or >) set the multiplier to 11 with bus at 200MHz , but a lot
depends on the CPU you got they don't all overclock the same. You will
probably need to raise the cpu vcore a step or two to get the CPU to run
stable at 200x11 (2500+ desktop cpu is 1.65v).
If it's a locked CPU then you can unlock it (google) or raise the FSB
speed and then play with the ram timings, voltage, etc..
btw, if you set CPU Interface to Aggressive in the bios you should get a
little more ram bandwidth, also setting the Active PreCharge Delay to
11 on Nf2 boards is known to give you a little more bandwidth at a small
cost of added latency.
It's also a good idea to set ram run in sync of the FSB.
Memory Frequency [100%]
other junk....
It's best to only change one thing in the bios at a time if your not
familiar with it yet, also keep notes what you changed and their values.
Do every tweak in small steps and test the system with programs like
Memtest, Prime95, etc, for stability. Watch the CPU diode temp as it
really shouldn't go over 70C if you want it to last a good awhile. ;p
Memory Frequency [100%]
FSB Spread Spectrum [Disabled]
AGP Spread Spectrum [Disabled]
CPU Vcore Setting [Menu]
CPU Vcore [1.65V] or MORE

AGP Frequency [66MHz]
System BIOS Cacheable [Disabled]
Video RAM Cacheable [Disabled]