Andreas Hammarstedt
I put together a system from parts. It wouldn't start, so I stripped it down
to: A7N8X Dlx mobo, Athlon XP 2400+, Fortron P400-60PFN 400W power supply,
Ahanix dBox case.
The mobo LED goes on when I flip the power switch, but when I press the
power button all that happens is that the CPU fan spins up for a fraction of
a second, then stops. There is no POST message (voice or beep.) My question
is, is there a reasonable way to figure out what part has the problem? I
don't really know where the problem is, as it is right now. Oh, and I tried
without the CPU as well. Same result. I tried a CMOS reset twice. Same
result. I'm not sure whether all the case wires are connected to the right
places, since the case documentation is crappy to say the least. But since
the fan twitches when I press the power button, at least that has to be in
the right place.
Could the mobo simply be DOA? Are there any simple tricks to verify this?
Any and all suggestions appreciated. I was hoping to have it up and running
by now.
to: A7N8X Dlx mobo, Athlon XP 2400+, Fortron P400-60PFN 400W power supply,
Ahanix dBox case.
The mobo LED goes on when I flip the power switch, but when I press the
power button all that happens is that the CPU fan spins up for a fraction of
a second, then stops. There is no POST message (voice or beep.) My question
is, is there a reasonable way to figure out what part has the problem? I
don't really know where the problem is, as it is right now. Oh, and I tried
without the CPU as well. Same result. I tried a CMOS reset twice. Same
result. I'm not sure whether all the case wires are connected to the right
places, since the case documentation is crappy to say the least. But since
the fan twitches when I press the power button, at least that has to be in
the right place.
Could the mobo simply be DOA? Are there any simple tricks to verify this?
Any and all suggestions appreciated. I was hoping to have it up and running
by now.