A7N8X Deluxe resetting CMOS all the time

  • Thread starter Thread starter tim
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I'm not happy with this board. The computer boots very slowly to begin
with it always has. Next time I use the computer it fails to boot.
Tried everything no dice. I then decide to clear the cmos and voila
the puter booted. Thought it was a fluke. That was 3 months ago. It
did again 3 days ago and again today. Restetting the cmos fixes it but
it shouldn't be doing that. Anyone have any ideas???

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I'm not happy with this board. The computer boots very slowly to begin
with it always has. Next time I use the computer it fails to boot.
Tried everything no dice. I then decide to clear the cmos and voila
the puter booted. Thought it was a fluke. That was 3 months ago. It
did again 3 days ago and again today. Restetting the cmos fixes it but
it shouldn't be doing that. Anyone have any ideas???

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You don't give us much to go on. Since the vast majority of people do
not have this problem we can conclude that the problem is either
hardware, software, or operator error. Or, some combination.

What OS, what CPU, what peripherals? What is the monitor showing while
it is taking a long time to boot? Is it spending a lot of time during
the bios phase or is it the OS startup phase? Come on, give.

What power supply? Memory?
Sorry for leaving out the details.
AMD atholon 2200 not overdriven
256mb corsair 2700 DDR
using onboard sound
ATI 8500 Video card
New Case 450 watt ps

SATA Raid not used
Creative Labs DVD ROM
Two 60 Gig WD Drives 7200 spin each Set up as masters on each channel
DVD & CDR as slaves.
On board lan for cable

Win 98SE

I have built 15 computer systems for myself and friends not counting
MOBO upgrades for myself and old boards going into my kids computers
for upgrades. I have been palying with puters for 10 years and must
admit I have always been able to troubleshoot most problems.

As far as the boot process goes it takes timed with a stop watch 1
minute and 20 seconds to boot to desktop. Screen shows win98 logo
screen with colored bar showing activity. I built exactly the same
computer for my brother everything the same. His boot is as long but
he doesn't have the CMOS problem.
I used a ASUS A7V8X-X for my son as an upgrade 2 months ago A
relatively inexpensive MOBO $59. His takes 22 seconds to boot WIN98 SE
two 60 gig WD HD 256 Corsair 2700 AMD 2200 onboard LAN
Thanks for takin a look. If you need more I'll certainly supply it to

You don't give us much to go on. Since the vast majority of people do
not have this problem we can conclude that the problem is either
hardware, software, or operator error. Or, some combination.

What OS, what CPU, what peripherals? What is the monitor showing while
it is taking a long time to boot? Is it spending a lot of time during
the bios phase or is it the OS startup phase? Come on, give.

What power supply? Memory?

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tim said:
Sorry for leaving out the details.
AMD atholon 2200 not overdriven
256mb corsair 2700 DDR
using onboard sound
ATI 8500 Video card
New Case 450 watt ps

SATA Raid not used
Creative Labs DVD ROM
Two 60 Gig WD Drives 7200 spin each Set up as masters on each channel
DVD & CDR as slaves.
On board lan for cable

Win 98SE

I have built 15 computer systems for myself and friends not counting
MOBO upgrades for myself and old boards going into my kids computers
for upgrades. I have been palying with puters for 10 years and must
admit I have always been able to troubleshoot most problems.

As far as the boot process goes it takes timed with a stop watch 1
minute and 20 seconds to boot to desktop. Screen shows win98 logo
screen with colored bar showing activity. I built exactly the same
computer for my brother everything the same. His boot is as long but
he doesn't have the CMOS problem.
I used a ASUS A7V8X-X for my son as an upgrade 2 months ago A
relatively inexpensive MOBO $59. His takes 22 seconds to boot WIN98 SE
two 60 gig WD HD 256 Corsair 2700 AMD 2200 onboard LAN
Thanks for takin a look. If you need more I'll certainly supply it to

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Hi, Tim. No techie here, but I have another version of your mobo. What
bios are you using--may need upgrading(sometimes, downgrading).
Also, as I experiment with overclocking, when I reach an unbootable
parameter, & then try rebooting the 2nd time, the board will default to
quite slow parameters to let itself boot altho' still reading the faster
parameters in the bios itself.--some kind of built-in function which means
I've NEVER had to clear the Cmos. This alone makes me think your battery or
its contact may be flakey.
One final suggestion: ensure your ps has at least 28 amps on the 3.3
volt rail. I've noticed some quite powerful ps's, and I consider 450 watts
in this group, that have a much lower output on this rail so critical for
HTH & good luck. sdlomi
Hi, Tim. No techie here, but I have another version of your mobo. What
bios are you using--may need upgrading(sometimes, downgrading).
Also, as I experiment with overclocking, when I reach an unbootable
parameter, & then try rebooting the 2nd time, the board will default to
quite slow parameters to let itself boot altho' still reading the faster
parameters in the bios itself.--some kind of built-in function which means
I've NEVER had to clear the Cmos. This alone makes me think your battery or
its contact may be flakey.
One final suggestion: ensure your ps has at least 28 amps on the 3.3
volt rail. I've noticed some quite powerful ps's, and I consider 450 watts
in this group, that have a much lower output on this rail so critical for
HTH & good luck. sdlomi
If it's taking that long to boot in the OS I think you have some kind
of driver problem. Have you tried with a clean install of the OS? Just
swap in an old drive, format, install 98. See how that goes. I think
you have two separate problems here. Long boot times and some CMOS
reset. Since you're not overclocking it isn't likely that the PCI bus
or anything is screwy but it can't hurt to lock the AGP speed to 66
rather than automatic (near the bottom of the Chipset Bios screen).

Also, try disconnecting the two slave drives just to see what happens.
I like WD drives but the Maxtors have the same jumper setting for
master and solo however you need to remove the jumper for the WD if
you go from master to solo.
I have kind of similar trouble. I replaced the original (Asus) 80 pin flat
cable with some round ATA cables, the problem go away (so far) . It happened
4 times to my 3 computers (CMOS screw-up, won't boot or take long time to
boot from C drive, missing Nvdia ethernet card, trouble to install McAfee,
Corel, taking over 3 hours to format an 80 Gig Deskstar, cannot scan from
Trend antivirus etc...). Systems: Two W2K pro, A7N8X deluxe v 2.0, IBM HD,
2500+ Barton. One A7V133 with 1G Athlon.
When I built the system I installed round cables. Asus I think put to
much in the bios, No one needs that much adjustment. I now have found
out that expensive is not always better. I will stick with less
expensive boards but they will be asus. Owned 3 ABITS capacitors
started leaking they wouldn't cover on warranty. Had an assus 266e
that the USB failed on 3 yrs old ASUS sent me a brand new board no
questions asked.


I have kind of similar trouble. I replaced the original (Asus) 80 pin flat
cable with some round ATA cables, the problem go away (so far) . It happened
4 times to my 3 computers (CMOS screw-up, won't boot or take long time to
boot from C drive, missing Nvdia ethernet card, trouble to install McAfee,
Corel, taking over 3 hours to format an 80 Gig Deskstar, cannot scan from
Trend antivirus etc...). Systems: Two W2K pro, A7N8X deluxe v 2.0, IBM HD,
2500+ Barton. One A7V133 with 1G Athlon.

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